Prof. Dr. Fabiana Perocchi
Systemische Stoffwechselbiologie
Wichtigste Auszeichnungen
- Helmholtz Young Investigator in Diabetes (HeIDi) Award (2018)
- Young Investigator Award, The Bert L and N Kuggie Vallee Foundation (2015)
- Emmy Noether Award, DFG (2013)
- The Joseph B. Martin Award, Massachusetts General Hospital (2010)
Pittis AA, Goh V, Cebrian-Serrano A, Wettmarshausen J, Perocchi F*, Gabaldón T*. (*equal senior authorship): “Discovery of EMRE in fungi resolves the true evolutionary history of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter”. Nature Communication 2020; 11(1):4031.
AbstractWettmarshausen J, Goh V, Huang KT, Arduino DM, Tripathi U, Leimpek A, Cheng Y, Pittis AA, Gabaldón T, Mokranjac D, Hajnóczky G, Perocchi F: “MICU1 Confers Protection from MCU-Dependent Manganese Toxicity”. Cell Reports 2018; 25(6):1425-1435.e7.
AbstractArduino DM, Wettmarshausen J, Vais H, Navas-Navarro P, Cheng Y, Leimpek A, Ma Z, Delrio-Lorenzo A, Giordano A, Garcia-Perez C, Médard G, Kuster B, García-Sancho J, Mokranjac D, Foskett JK, Alonso MT, Perocchi F: “Systematic Identification of MCU Modulators by Orthogonal Interspecies Chemical Screening”. Molecular Cell 2017; 67(4):711-723.e7.
AbstractBaughman JM*, Perocchi F*, Girgis HS, Plovanich M, Belcher-Timme CA, Sancak Y, Bao XR, Strittmatter L, Goldberger O, Bogorad RL, Koteliansky V, Mootha VK. (*equal first authorship): “Integrative genomics identifies MCU as an essential component of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter”. Nature 2011; 476(7360):341-5.
AbstractPerocchi F, Gohil VM, Girgis HS, Bao XR, McCombs JE, Palmer AE, Mootha VK: “MICU1 encodes a mitochondrial EF hand protein required for calcium uptake”. Nature 2010; 467(7313):291-6.
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