Prof. Dr. Andreas B. Imhoff


Sports Orthopaedy

Academic Career and Research Areas

The research of Professor Imhoff (b. 1953) focuses on the cartilage and tissue engineering of tendons and the meniscus and on the biomechanics of the shoulder and knee joint. He also conducts research into new minimally invasive techniques for arthroscopic operations on athletes. 

Professor Imhoff completed his medical degree at the University of Basel where he also received his PhD in 1980. Positions as a doctor and scientist led him to the Universities of Basel (surgery, trauma surgery, orthopedics), Zurich (orthopedics, neurology) and Pittsburgh/USA (sports orthopedics). In 1996 he was appointed as successor to Professor W. Bernett at TUM.


    • Malaysian Federal Honorary Award of Darjah Kebesaran PANGLIMA JASA NEGARA (P.J.N.) “DATUK” (2010)
    • Miembro Honorario, Sociedad Argentina de Cirurgia de Hombro y Codo, Buenos Aires (2006)
    • Honorary Member of the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA, 2004)
    • Award of Association for Orthopaedic Research (AFOR): Enhancement of the Tendon-Bone Integration of ACL Tendon Grafts with BMP-2 Gene Transfer (2002)
    • Award of German Society of Arthroscopic Surgery (AGA, 1993)

    Herbst E, Imhoff FB, Foehr P, Milz S, Plank C, Rudolph C, Hasenpusch G, Geiger JP, Aneja MK, Groth K, Vogt S, Imhoff AB, Schmitt A: "Chemically Modified Messenger RNA: Modified RNA Application for Treatment of Achilles Tendon Defects". Tissue Engineering. Part A. 2018.


    Karampinos DC, Holwein C, Buchmann S, Baum T, Ruschke S, Gersing AS, Sutter R, Imhoff AB, Rummeny EJ, Jungmann PM: "Proton Density Fat-Fraction of Rotator Cuff Muscles Is Associated With Isometric Strength 10 Years After Rotator Cuff Repair: A Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Shoulder". The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017; 45(9): 1990-1999.


    Aboalata M, Plath JE, Seppel G, Juretzko J, Vogt S, Imhoff AB: "Results of Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Anterior-Inferior Shoulder Instability at 13-Year Follow-up". The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2017; 45(4): 782-787.


    Beitzel K, Zandt JF, Buchmann S, Beitzel KI, Schwirtz A, Imhoff AB, Brucker PU: "Structural and biomechanical changes in shoulders of junior javelin throwers: a comprehensive evaluation as a proof of concept for a preventive exercise protocol". Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2016; 24(6): 1931-1942.


    Voss A, McCarthy MB, Allen D, Cote MP, Beitzel K, Imhoff AB, Mazzocca AD: "Fibrin Scaffold as a Carrier for Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Growth Factors in Shoulder Rotator Cuff Repair". Arthroscopy Techniques. 2016; 5(3): e447-51.


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