Professors with Junior Research Groups

Emmy Noether Programme

Buyx Alena M - Professorship for Ethics in Medicine and Health Technologies
Projekttitel: Political Philosophy as a Resource for the Constitution of Norms in Biomedical Ethics - Analysis of basic Terms and selected Problem Fields

Günnemann Stephan - Assistant Professorship of Data Mining and Analytics
Project title: Robust Data Mining of Large-Scale Attributed Graphs

Krahmer Felix - Assistant Professorship of Optimization and Data Analysis
Project title: RaSenQuaSI: Randomized Sensing and Quantization of Signals and Images

Schilling Franz - Assistant Professorship of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance 
Project title: Combined biochemical and biophysical imaging biomarkers

Schusser Benjamin - Assistant Professorship of Reproductive Biology
Project title: Genetically engineered chicken models: novel tools to investigate lymphocyte development and function

Wachter-Zeh Antonia - Assistant Professorship of Coding for Communications and Data Storage
Project title: Error-Correcting Coding Strategies for Data Storage and Networks

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award

Egger David - Professorship of Theory of Functional Energy Materials
Project title: First-Principles Theory of Spin-Related Phenomena in the Interaction of Hybrid
Materials with Light

If you wish your profile to be changed or updated please contact Franz Langer.