Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann


Product Development
Professor emeritus since October 1, 2016

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Lindemann’s research area is systematic product development. This encompasses broad areas of systems engineering as well as various interfaces to other disciplines.  
Professor Lindemann (b. 1948) studied at the University of Hanover. He received his doctorate at TUM and assumed the Chair of Product Development after more than 15 years of experience in industry. His research areas include systems engineering, design, the description and use of complex systems, innovation processes, innovative ability, generating and assessing innovation, development processes, lean development, distributed development, change management, strategic product and process planning, requirements management, methods that aid creativity, bionics and biomemetics, TRIZ, individualized products, version management, mass customization, cost management in product development and interdisciplinary/multicultural distributed development teams.

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