Prof. Dr. Barbara Wohlmuth
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research of Professor Wohlmuth examines the numerical simulation of partial differential equations. Special areas of interest here are discretization techniques, multi-scale solvers, coupled multi-field problems and predictive modelling. Interdisciplinary cooperation with engineering experts is an important part of her work.
Professor Wohlmuth studied mathematics at TUM and at Grenoble. She also received her doctorate from TUM (1995) and completed her postdoctoral teaching qualification at Augsburg. Various positions as visiting scientist or professor led her to the US, to France, Hong Kong and Norway. In 2001, she was appointed to her first chair position at the University of Stuttgart, followed by professorship positions at Darmstadt and Berlin. In 2010, Professor Wohlmuth joined the faculty of TUM. She serves on academic boards of highly renowned institutions in the US and Europe, and (co-)publishes different international journals. She has headed the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering at TUM since 2016 and forges new paths for training young scientists.
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize, DFG (2012)
- Sacchi-Landriani Prize, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Milano (2005)
Key Publications (all publications)
Drzisga D, Gmeiner B, Rüde U, Scheichl R, Wohlmuth B: "Scheduling massively parallel multigrid for multilevel Monte Carlo methods". SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2017; 39 (5): S873–S897.
AbstractSeitz A, Farah P, Kremheller J, Wohlmuth B, Wall W, Popp A: "Isogeometric dual mortar methods for computational contact mechanics". Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 2016; 301: 259–280.
AbstractWohlmuth B: "Variationally consistent discretization schemes and numerical algorithms for contact problems". Acta Numer. 2011; 20: 569–734.
AbstractLi J, Melenk M, Wohlmuth B, Zou V: "Optimal convergence of higher order finite element methods for elliptic interface problems". Appl. Numer. Math. 2010; 60: 19 – 37.
AbstractHüeber S, Stadler G, Wohlmuth B: "A primal-dual active set algorithm for three-dimensional contact problems with Coulomb friction". SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 2008; 30 (2): 572–596.