Prof. Dr. Oliver Alexy

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Alexy (b. 1980) is a management researcher looking at how to design organizations that may effectively deal with uncertainty. How can firms successfully develop new technologies and deploy them on the market? How may innovation ecosystems be created and managed effectively? What role will new forms of organizing, such as crowds, play in the future? Prof. Alexy inquires these questions using diverse methods and in close collaboration with start-ups and incumbents from around the globe. His work has received several awards from academe and practice.

Prof. Alexy holds a degree in information systems from the University of Regensburg (2005) and a doctorate in management from TUM (2008). He continued his career as a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London, where he was appointed temporary lecturer in 2011. He has been a guest researcher at Harvard Business School and MIT (2008) and Politecnico di Milano (2011). In 2012, he joined TUM as inaugural assistant professor of Strategic Entrepreneurship at TUM; he was promoted to associate professor (with tenure) in 2017.


  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Imperial College Business School (2011)
  • EBS Best-Paper-Award Innovation Management (2010)
  • Finalist (one of four), Best Dissertation Award, Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division, Academy of Management Conference 2009, Chicago, IL.
  • Finalist (one of three), Best Doctoral Dissertation Award, DRUID Summer 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark

Alexy O, West J, Klapper H, Reitzig M: “Surrendering control to gain advantage: Reconciling openness and the resource-based view of the firm”. Strategic Management Journal. 2018; 39(6): 1704-1727.


Dattée B, Alexy O, Autio E: “Maneuvering in poor visibility: How firms play the ecosystem game when uncertainty is high”. Academy of Management Journal. 2018; 61(2): 466-498.


Ter Wal ALJ, Alexy O, Block J, Sandner PG: "The Best of Both Worlds: The Benefits of Open-specialized and Closed-diverse Syndication Networks for New Ventures’ Success". Administrative Science Quarterly. 2016; 61(3): 393-432.


Puranam P, Alexy O, Reitzig M: "What's “New” About New Forms of Organizing?". Academy of Management Review. 2013; 39(2): 162-180.


Alexy O, George G, Salter A: "Cui Bono? The Selective Revealing of Knowledge and Its Implications for Innovative Activity". Academy of Management Review. 2013; 38(2): 270-291.


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