Prof. Dr. Peter Annighöfer
Academic Career and Research Areas
The professorship for Forest and Agroforest Systems aims to further increase the understanding of forest and tree-landscape ecosystems. This should improve the predictability and adaptability of the ecosystems, and allow deriving recommendations for a sustainable and target-oriented silvicultural and agroforestry management approach. For this purpose, various interactions of system components are being studied, from which the ecosystem structures, dynamics and services emerge. These are at the very heart of the research interest at the professorship.
After studying Forest Science and Forest Ecology at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and the Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia, Annighöfer received his doctorate in forest sciences in 2013. He then did his research and taught as a postdoctoral fellow and academic advisor at the Georg August University in Göttingen. In 2018 he spent a research semester at the University of California, Berkeley. In April 2020, Peter Annighöfer was appointed to the professorship for Forest and Agroforest Systems at TUM.
- Nominated for the Thurn und Taxis Award for Forest Science (2014)
- PhD scholarship of the Marianne and Dr. Fritz Walter Fischer Foundation (2010)
- Awarded as one of the best students of the academic year 2007/2008 Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology of the Georg-August-University (2008)
Key Publications
Annighöfer P, Seidel D, Mölder A, Ammer C: “Advanced aboveground spatial analysis as proxy for the competitive environment affecting sapling development”. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019; 10 (690): 1-12.
AbstractSeidel D, Ehbrecht M, Dorji Y, Jambay J, Ammer C, Annighöfer P: “Identifying architectural characteristics that determine tree structural complexity”. Trees. 2019; 33: 911-919.
AbstractAnnighöfer P: “Stress relief through gap creation? Growth response of a shade tolerant species (Fagus sylvatica L.) to a changed light environment”. Forest Ecology and Management. 2018; 415: 139-147.
AbstractStiers M, Willim K, Seidel D, Ehbrecht M, Kabal M, Ammer C, Annighöfer P: “A quantitative comparison of the structural complexity of managed, lately unmanaged and primary European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests”. Forest Ecology and Management. 2018; 430: 357-365.
AbstractAnnighöfer P, Petritan A, Petritan C, Ammer C: ”Disentangling juvenile growth strategies of three shade-tolerant temperate forest tree species responding to a light gradient”. Forest Ecology and Management. 2017; 391: 115-126
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