Prof. Dr. Karl Auerswald

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Auerswald (*1955) tries to understand and reveal, how agricultural und agriculturally influenced ecosystems function. In the beginnings, his focus was on soil erosion from arable land while during the last two decades he increasingly became fascinated by stable isotopes as indicators and tracers of many physiological and ecological processes in terrestrial and aquatic systems.

Prof. Auerswald studied agricultural sciences at TU München (Dipl. Ing. agr. Univ. in 1980), wrote a PhD thesis at the chair of soil science at TU München (1984, with distinction), after a position at the Bavarian Geological Survey, he habilitated (1992) and received the venia legendi for soil science at TU München (1994). In 1994 he got an offer as full professor of 'Soil Science and Soil Protection' by University of Halle. Since 2001 he is adjunct professor at TU München.


  • Associate Editor Excellence Award, US Soil and Water Conservation Society (2019)
  • Excellence in Manuscript Review, Agronomy Society of America (1999) 
  • Thurn&Taxis award Agriculture(1986)
  • Liebig grant by the foundation F.V.S. (1984)

Seibert SP, Auerswald K: “Hochwasserminderung im ländlichen Raum – Ein Handbuch zur quantitativen Planung”. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2020.


Chen G, Auerswald K, Schnyder H: “2H and 18O depletion of water close to organic surfaces”. Biogeosciences. 2016; 13: 3175–3186.


Wittmer MHOM, Auerswald K, Bai, YF, Schäufele R, Schnyder H: “Changes in the abundance of C3/C4 species of Inner Mongolia grassland: Evidence from isotopic composition of soil and vegetation”. Global Change Biology. 2010; 16: 605–616.


Cerdan O, Govers G, Le Bissonnais Y, Van Oost K, Poesen J, Saby N, Gobin A, Vacca, A, Quinton J, Auerswald K, Klik A, Kwaad FJPM, Raclo, D, Ionit, I, Rejman J, Rousseva S, Muxar, T, Roxo MJ, Dostal T: “Rates and spatial variations of soil erosion in Europe: a study based on erosion plot data”. Geomorphology. 2010; 122: 167–177.


Geist J, Auerswald K: “Physicochemical stream bed characteristics and recruitment of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)”. Freshwater Biology. 2007; 52: 2299–2316.


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