Prof. Dr. Daniel Link
Academic Career and Research Areas
Research of Prof. Dr. Daniel Link deals with the systematics of training and competition as well as the digitalization of sports. This includes technological aspects of data acquisition, mathematical modeling of performance phenomena, and analysis of sports data e.g. by using AI approchaes. One focus of his work lies on using spatiotemporal data in team sports and the development of physical and technical-tactical performance metrics.
After studying computer science at the TU Dortmund, Prof. Link earned his doctorate in sports science at the University of Augsburg. At the former Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences at TU Munich he obtained the venia legendi for sports science. Prof. Link is head of the Sports Informatics and Sports Technology Section within the German Association for Sports Science (DVS), General Secretary of the International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS), and a reviewer for the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp).
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