Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Barthel
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Barthel (b. 1955) is a civil engineer. He conducts research into the design and development of load-bearing structures and the analysis and restoration of historical load-bearing structures. The relationship between the form of bearing structure, design and architectonic form is a particular area of interest.
Prof. Barthel studied civil engineering at the University of Stuttgart with Prof. Frei Otto. He completed his doctoral thesis “Tragverhalten gemauerter Kreuzgewölbe” (Bearing behavior of masonry cross-vaults) at the University of Karlsruhe under Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Wenzel (1991). Prior to his appointment to the Chair of Structural Design at TUM in 1993, he was a project manager at the engineering firm of Prof. Wenzel in Karlsruhe and at Ove Arup & Partners in London. Together with a partner, he also founded the engineering firm Barthel & Maus Beratende Ingenieure GmbH (1996). Prof. Barthel was Dean of the Faculty of Architecture between 1999 and 2000. He was a visiting lecturer at ETH Zurich from 2009 until 2012.
Key Publications (all publications)
Barthel R, Tutsch J, Jordan J: „The Gothic tower of Freiburg Minster, Germany: analysis and repair“. Engineering History and Heritage, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 2016; 02: 68-83.
Barthel R: „Naturform - Architekturform“. In: Frei Otto - das Gesamtwerk : leicht bauen, natürlich gestalten. Editor: Nerdinger W. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser, 2005: 16-31.
Barthel R, Gengnagel C: „Die Schalen Eladio Diestes – Form, Konstruktion, Tragwirkung“. In: Eladio Dieste - Form und Konstruktion. Editor: Barthel R. Darmstadt: Verlag Das Beispiel, 2001: 17-40.
Barthel R: „Tragverhalten und Berechnung gemauerter Kreuzgewölbe“. Bautechnik. 1993; 7: 379-391.
Wenzel F, Frese B, Barthel, R: „Die Holzrippenschale in Bad Dürrheim“. Bauen mit Holz. 1987; 5: 282-287.
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