Prof. Dr. Martin Beneke
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Beneke's (b. 1966) research area is the theory of elementary particles and fundamental forces. He develops quantum field theoretical methods to compute high-energy scattering reactions and particle decay, and to determine the fundamental parameters of the standard model of particle physics and its extensions. In addition, Professor Beneke is also interested in astrophysics and cosmology, in particular the nature of dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry and the polarization of the cosmic microwave background.
Martin Beneke studied physics and mathematics at the universities of Konstanz, Cambridge and Heidelberg. He conducted his PhD research on the large-order behavior of perturbative expansion in quantum field theories at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and received his PhD from TUM in 1993. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, in 1996 he moved to the European Center for Particle Physics, CERN. In 1999 he accepted an appointment at RWTH Aachen where he directed the Institute of Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology. He has been teaching and conducting research at TUM since 2012.
- Winner of DFG’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (2008)
- Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1995)
- Recipient of the Otto Hahn Medal from the Max Planck Society (1994)
Key Publications (all publications)
Beneke M, Falgari P, Klein, S, Schwinn C: “Hadronic top-quark pair production with NNLL threshold resummation". Nuclear Physics B. 2012; 855: 695-741.
AbstractBeneke M, Bobeth C, Szafron R: “Power-enhanced leading-logarithmic QED corrections to Bq -> mu+ mu-.” JHEP 2019; 10, 232.
AbstractBeneke M, Chapovsky AP, Diehl M, Feldmann T: “Soft collinear effective theory and heavy to light currents beyond leading power”. Nuclear Physics B. 2002; 643: 431-476.
AbstractBeneke M, Buchalla G, Neubert M, Sachrajda CT: “QCD factorization for B to pi pi decays: Strong phases and CP violation in the heavy quark limit”. Physical Review Letters. 1999; 83: 1914-1917.
AbstractBeneke M: “Renormalons”. Physics Reports. 1999; 317: 1-142.
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