Prof. Dr. Heinz Bernhardt

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Bernhardt’s (b. 1974) research field is technology in agricultural science. His system-oriented approach studies the interaction of technology and procedures. He focuses on sensor-guided precision agriculture, agricultural logistics, robotic, electromobility, milking technology and agricultural energy management.

Prof. Bernhardtstudied agricultural science at Justus-Liebig University in Gießen. He did his doctorate and lecturing qualification in agricultural logistics and the technological implementation of quality management systems at the Institut für Landtechnik (institute for agricultural engineering) in Gießen. After lecturing in Kiel and acting as interim professor in Gießen, he was appointed to the Chair of Agricultural Systems Engineering at TUM in 2008.

Ettl J, Bernhardt H, Pickel P, Remmele E, Thuneke K, Emberger P: „Transfer of agricultural work operation profiles to a tractor test stand for exhaust emission evaluation“, Biosystems Engineering. 2018; 176: 185-197. 


Wörz S, Bernhardt H: „A Novel Method for Optimal Fuel Consumption Estimation and Planning for Transportation Systems“, Energy. 2017; 120: 565-572. 


Mederle M, Bernhardt H: „Influences and Decision Criteria on Infield-logistics in German Agricultural Farms“, Chemical Engineering Transaction. 2017; 58: 307-312. 


Doerfler RL, Lehermeier C, Kliem H, Möstl E, Bernhardt H: „Physiological and Behavioral Responses of Dairy Cattle to the Introduction of Robot Scrapers“, Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2016; 3: 106. 


Mütze K, Wolter W, Failing K, Kloppert B, Bernhardt H, Zschöck M: „The effect of dry cow antibiotic with and without an internal teat sealant on udder health during the first 100 d of lactation: a field study with matched pairs“, Journal of Dairy Research. 2012; 79(4): 477-484.


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