Academic Career and Research Areas

The research of Prof. Biebl (b. 1959) centers on microwave sensors and communication systems. Part of his focus is on localizing methods to determine the driving environment in automobiles. He also researches communication between road users as a key requirement for future comfort and safety functions.

After studying electrical engineering at TUM, he spent a few years as a development engineer and project manager at Rohde & Schwarz. Afterwards, he returned to TUM to gain a doctorate at the Chair of High-Frequency Engineering in 1991. He qualified as a lecturer in 1994. Since 1999, he has been an associate professor at TUM. Prof. Biebl is a senior member of the IEEE. He is a member of Commission B of the U.R.S.I. committee Germany and a liaison lecturer at TUM’s Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung.


  • 1st Place International Collegiate Student Safety Technology Design Competition (Supervisor, 2009)
  • Lecturer Award of the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department of the TUM (2002)
  • Literature Prize of the Information Technology Society (ITG) in the VDE (1996)
  • Dr.-Georg-Spinner High Frequency Award (1992)

F. Harrer, F. Pfeiffer, A. Löffler, T. Gisder, and E. Biebl: "Automotive Synthetic Aperture Radar System based on 24 GHz Series Sensors". Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2017: Smart Systems Transforming the Automobile, C. Zach, B. Müller, and G. Meyer, Springer International Publishing, Cham. 2018; pp. 23-36.


F. Pfeiffer, E.M. Biebl: „Inductive Compensation of High-Permittivity Coatings on Automobile Long-Range Radar Radomes”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Special Issue on Automotive Applications, 2009, 57(11), 2627-2632.


G.L. Friedsam, E.M. Biebl: „A Broadband Free-Space Dielectric Properties Measurement System at Millimeter Wavelength,“ IEEE Trans. Instr. Measurement, 1997, 46(2), 515–518.


E.M. Biebl , G.L. Friedsam: „Cavity-backed aperture antennas with dielectric and magnetic overlay,“ IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 1995, 43 (11), 1226-1232.


E.M. Biebl, P. Russer: „Elastic properties of proton exchanged lithium niobate,“ IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason., 1992, 39(5), 330-334.


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