Prof. Dr. Ralf Brederlow
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Ralf Brederlow‘s (*1970) research area are integrated CMOS circuit designs and intelligent sensor systems. By deploying analog and digital integrated circuits, principles of artificial intelligence, and by using small and simple sensors, the virtual system can be assembled to a much more precise, versatile, but also more flexible sensor system.
Ralf Brederlow has studied physics at university of Wuerzburg and TU Munich. He did his doctor in electrical engineering in a cooperation of Corporate Research of Siemens AG and the TU Berlin. In 1999 he joined Infineon as development engineer and project manager. At that time he worked on technical and scientific questions towards analog circuit-, sensor, and technology concepts for microelectronics. Since end of 2006 he was group lead and later IP development lead at Texas Instruments. His responsibility was analog and digital circuit development for an energy optimized micro-controller product family (MSP430). At that time he has developed several fundamental concepts for circuit design and architectures, as used in many sensor in the internet of things today. Since2015 he led a research team at Texas Instruments (Kilby Labs) in Freising exploring intelligent sensor circuits. Until early 2019 he worked there on new concepts for intelligent sensors and circuits for short range communications. In April 2019, Prof. Brederlow established the new Chair of Circuit Design at TUM, which deals with all aspects of the above topics. Siince April 2021 he has also been a consultant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS).
- Co-Laureate of the 2019 VLSI Circuits Symposium ‘Best Student Paper Award’
- Elected to ‚Distinguished Member Technical Staff‘ Texas Instruments in 2011 for his extraordinary contributions to the ultra-low energy micro-controller product family MSP430.
- Several industrial awards for products Ralf Brederlow has had lead contributions – e.g. ‚IDTechEx Award‘ 2011 ‘Best Technology Development of Energy Harvesting’ for the FRAM product family MSP430FRxxx - i.e. for the robustness under unclear power supply conditions; Embedded Award‘ 2009 ‚Best Technology Category Hardware‘ for the product family MSP430F5xx and its ultra low power capabilities.
- Co-Laureate of the ‘Best Paper Award’ European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices (1998)
Key Publications
Nurmetov U, Fritz T, Muellner E, Dougherty CM, Szelong M, Kreupl F, Brederlow R: “A CMOS Temperature Stabilized 2-Dimensional Mechanical Stress Sensor with 11-bit Resolution”. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2020; 846 - 855.
AbstractBaumann A, Jung M, Huber K, Arnold M, Sichert C, Schauer S, Brederlow R: "A MCU platform with embedded FRAM achieving 350nA current consumption in real-time clock mode with full state retention and 6.5µs system wakeup time". 2013 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. Kyoto, Japan. 12-14 June 2013; 202-203.
AbstractIvanov V, Brederlow R, Gerber J: "An ultra-low power bandgap operational at supply > 0.75V". IEEE Journal of Solid State-Circuits. 2012; 47(7): 1515-1523.
AbstractAugustyniak M, Weber W, Beer G, Mulatz H, Elbrecht L, Timme H-J, Tiebout M, Simbürger W, Paulus C, Eversmann B, Schmitt-Landsiedel B, Thewes R, Brederlow R: "An Integrated Gravimetric FBAR Circuit for Operation in Liquids Using a Flip-Chip Extended 0.13μm CMOS Technology". Proceedings of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference ISSCC. San Francisco, USA. 11-15 Feb. 2007: 392-393.
AbstractWirth GI, da Silva R, Brederlow R: "Statistical Model for the Circuit Bandwidth Dependence of Low-Frequency Noise in Deep-sub-micrometer MOSFETs". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2007; 54(2): 340-345.