Prof. Dr. Bernd Brügge


Applied Software Engineering 

Professor emeritus since September, 2021



Contact Details

Visitenkarte in TUMonline

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Brügge’s (b. 1951) research interests include software engineering, in particular tools and processes for the development of workable systems for small mobile devices. This involves methodological capture of the clients’ requirements, rational management and the use of efficient methods in project management and development processes. In his teaching he employs agile and interactive teaching methods in lectures with more than 1600 and in practical courses with more than 100 students to involve students at an early stage in the development of complex systems for clients’ real-life situations.

Professor Brügge studied computer science at the University of Hamburg (Diplom 1978) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) (MSc 1982), where he also obtained a PhD (1985). He was appointed to TUM in 1997 and has since then also held an associate professorship at CMU. He was a member of the Deutsche Telekom research committee (2000–03) and of the research committee of the "Münchner Kreis" (2003–16). He has served on the board of directors of the Center for Digital Technology and Management since 1999, and acted as liaison professor for the Max Weber Foundation and the German National Academic Foundation (2000–2017).


    • Ernst Otto Fischer Teaching Award 2021, TUM
    • Distinguished Educator Award, IEEE Computer Society, Technical Council on Software Engineering (2019)
    • Prize for Excellence and Teaching, Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (2018)
    • Teach Inf Award for the best elective lecture, Informatics Departmental Student Council at TUM (2012)
    • Herbert Simon Teaching Award Carnegie Mellon University (1985)

    Krusche S, Dzvonyar D, Han Xu, Bruegge B: "Software Theater—Teaching Demo-Oriented Prototyping". ACM Transactions on Computing Education. Special Issue on Capstone Projects. 2018 July; 18 (2). 


    Knobloch J, Kaltenbach J, Bruegge B: “Increasing student engagement in higher education using a context-aware Q&A teaching framework”. International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training ICSE SEET. Gothenburg, Sweden: 25 May-3 June 2018 (pp. 136-145). 


    Bruegge B, Krusche S, Alperowitz L: “Software Engineering Project Courses with Industrial Clients”. ACM Transactions on Computing Education. Special Issue on Team Projects in Computing Education. 2015 December; 15(4): 17. 


    Pagano D, Bruegge B: “User involvement in software evolution practice: a case study”. International Conference on Software Engineering. San Francisco: May 2013 (pp. 953-962). 


    Bruegge B, Dutoit AH: Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009.


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