Academic Career and Research Areas

The research activities of Professor Caccamo (b. 1971) focus on the areas of cyber-physical systems and real-time systems. He works in close collaboration with embedded systems industry developing innovative software architectures and toolkits for the design automation of safe embedded digital controllers, and low-level resource management solutions for real-time operating systems running on multicore architectures.

Professor Marco Caccamo studied Computer Engineering at University of Pisa. Following his degree in computer engineering in July 1997, he earned his PhD in computer engineering from Scuola Superiore Sant’-Anna in 2002. Shortly after graduation, he joined University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as assistant professor and was promoted to associate professor at the age of 36, then became a full professor in 2014. In 2018, Professor Caccamo was appointed to the chair of Cyber-Physical Systems in Production Engineering at TUM. He has chaired Real-Time Systems Symposium and Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, the two IEEE flagship conferences on Real-Time Systems.


  • Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award from the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems (2023)
  • IEEE Fellow (2018)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Professorship (2018)
  • Engineering Council Outstanding Advising Award (2015)
  • NSF CAREER Award (2003)

Sha L, Caccamo M, Mancuso R, Kim JE, Yoon MK, Pellizzoni R, Yun H, Kegley R, Perlman D, Arundale G, Bradford R: "Real-Time Computing on Multicore Processors". IEEE Computer. 2016; 49 (9):69-77.


Yun H, Yao G, Pellizzoni R, Caccamo M, Sha L: "Memory bandwidth management for efficient performance isolation in multi-core platforms". IEEE Transactions on Computers. 2016; 65 (2):562-576.  


Mancuso R, Dudko R, Betti E, Cesati M, Caccamo M, Pellizzoni R: "Real-Time Cache Management Framework for Multi-core Architectures". Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). Philadelphia, USA. 2013.


Pellizzoni R, Betti E, Bak S, Yao G, Criswell J, Caccamo M, Kegley R: "A Predictable Execution Model for COTS-based Embedded Systems". 17th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). Chicago, USA. 2011.


Caccamo M, Zhang LY, Sha L, Buttazzo G: "An Implicit Prioritized Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks". 23rd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). Austin, USA. 2002.  


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