Prof. Dr. Rubén D. Costa

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Costa (*1983) research goes from the design and preparation of bio-hybrid materials to the fabrication and optimization of optoelectronic devices for energy (lighting/photovoltaic) and medical (sensing/therapy) applications. The long-term goal is to progress optoelectronics fulfilling the green photonics concept.

Prof. Costa got his B.Sc/M.Sc in Chemistry from the U. Valencia (Spain) in 2006. His Ph.D. was performed at the U. Valencia (IcMol) where he graduated in 2010, obtaining several national and international awards. From 2011 to 2013, he was Humboldt Fellow at the U. Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) working on nanocarbon-based solar cells. In 2014, he became a Liebig Fellow heading the Hybrid Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Lab at FAU. In 2017, he moved his group at IMDEA Materials (Spain) and he further expanded it to the U. Waseda (Japan) as Associate Professor in 2018. His academic achievements include >130 scientific contributions and >30 awards/fellowships. Since 2020, Prof. Costa became full Professor for Biogenic Functional Materials at the TUM.


  • FPdGi Research Award by the Spanish Royal Family (2020)
  • Young Scientists/New Champions by the World Economic Forum (2018)
  • European Innovator (Pioneer) Award by the MIT Technology Review (2017)
  • ADUC award of the German society of chemists (2017)
  • Silver Medal European Young Chemist Award by the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (2016)

Espasa, A; Lang, M; Aguiño, CF; Sanchez-deAlcazar, D; Fernández-Blázquez, JP; Sonnewald, U; Cortajarena, AL; Coto, PB; Costa, RD: „Long-living and Highly Efficient Bio-Hybrid Light-Emitting Diodes with Zero-Thermal-Quenching Biophosphors“. Nature Communications. 2020; 879: 1-10.


Fernández‐Luna, V; Sánchez‐de Alcázar, D; Fernández‐Blázquez, JP; Cortajarena, AL; Coto, PB; Costa, RD: „Deciphering Limitations to Meet Highly Stable Bio‐Hybrid Light‐Emitting Diodes“. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019; 29: 1904356-1904376.


Monreal-Bernal, A; Vilatela, JJ; Costa, RD: „CNT Fibres as Dual Counter-Electrode/Current-Collector in Highly Efficient and Stable Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells“. Carbon 2019; 141: 488-496.


Weber, MD; Fresta, E; Elie, M; Miehlich, ME; Renaud, J‐L; Meyer, K; Gaillard, S; Costa, RD: „Rationalizing Fabrication and Design Toward Highly Efficient and Stable Blue Light‐Emitting Electrochemical Cells Based on NHC Copper (I) Complexes“.Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018; 28: 1707423-1707435.


Costa RD: Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells. Springer International Publishing AG, 2017.


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