Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Detlefsen

Verstorben am 12.11.2016

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Academic Career and Research Areas

The research activities of Prof. Detlefsen (1943-2016) focused on active contactless processes for environment detection using electromagnetic waves. As well as obtaining information on distance, speed and direction, his work involved the evaluation of all available information on objects and surfaces from high frequency reflection behavior. One of the main applications for this work was the development of new methods for processing sensor information (MIMO radar, SAR).

Prof. Detlefsen studied electrical engineering at TUM. After completing his doctorate and lecturing qualification, he became professor for radio navigation and location. Beginning in 1988, he held the TUM Chair of High Frequency Fields and Circuits. Prof. Detlefsen was a member of the German Institute of Navigation’s (DGON) “Radartechnik” (radar engineering) special committee and URSI Commission B. He was also a member of the “Mikrowellentechnik” (microwave engineering) committee of the Information Technology Society (ITG), and headed up its High Frequency Engineering group for several years. He held the position of Chair of the European Conference on Wireless Technology (ECWT 2003) and of the European Radar Conference (EuRad 2007).


    Detlefsen J, Dallinger A, Schelkshorn S: “Approaches to Millimeter-Wave Imaging of Humans”. European Radar Conference EuRAD 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 14–15, 2004: 279-282.

    Dallinger A, Bertl S, Detlefsen J: "Coherent Millimeter-Wave Imaging for Security Applications". European Radar Conference EuRAD 2007, München, Germany, October 11–12. 2007: 28-31.

    Winkler V, Detlefsen J: "Automotive 24 GHz pulse radar extended by a DQPSK communication channel". European Radar Conference EURAD 2007. art. no. 4404956. 2007: 138-141.

    Detlefsen J, Siart U: Grundlagen der Hochfrequenztechnik. München, Oldenbourg, 2. Auflage, 2006 (in German).

    Dallinger A, Bertl S, Schelkshorn S, Detlefsen J: "SAR Techniques for the Imaging of Humans. Electronic Proceedings". EUSAR 2006, 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Dresden, Germany, May 16-18, 2006.

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