Prof. Dr. Gisela Detrell
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Detrell's field of research is the development of technologies to enable human spaceflight, with special focus on Life Support Systems Technologies (specially on the use of microalgae photobioreactors for oxygen and food production for long duration missions), human spaceflight simulation (for example with conceptual design studies of future human spaceflight missions to the Moon or Mars) and human spaceflight performance (for example with the development of Virtual Reality tools, to develop and improve training strategies).
Prof. Gisela Detrell studied Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and completed her doctorate in Life Support Systems reliability analysis for long duration space missions at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2015. She continued her research at the Institute of Space Systems in Stuttgart, leading the research group since 2018. In 2023 Prof. Detrell was appointed to the professorship for Human Spaceflight Technology at TUM.
Key Publications (all publications)
Bosch Brugera M., Lopez Bermudez J.S., Detrell G., Ewald R., „Development of a Virtual Reality spacedocking simulator for research and training - A case application in the space analogue SIRIUS-21“. 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, France. 2022.
AbstractDetrell, G.: „Chlorella Vulgaris Photobioreactor for Oxygen and Food Production on a Moon Base—Potential and Challenges“. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 2021. Volume 8.
AbstractDetrell G., Helish H., Keppler J., Martin J., Henn N.: „From Biofiltration to Promising Options inGaseous Fluxes Biotreatment“. In Microalgae for combined air revitalization and biomassproduction for space applications. Editor: Soreanu & Dumont. Elsevier. April 2020.
AbstractDetrell G., Helisch H., Keppler J., Martin J., Henn N., Ewald R., Fasoulas S., Angerer O., Peters S.:„PBR@LSR: the Algae-based Photobioreactor Experiment at the ISS - Operations and Results“. 2020 International Conference on Environmental Systems. Online.
AbstractDetrell G., Schwinning M., Ewald R.: „An international and interdisciplinary approach on learning how to design a space station“ Acta Astronautica. 2019. Volume 157: 489-499.
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