Prof. Dr. Markus Disse
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research interests of Prof. Disse (*1963) include the analysis of hydrological data and processes as well as the development of applied hydrological models for the sustainable management of water resources in Bavaria, Germany and worldwide. Hydrology and water management are subject to dynamic changes due to global change. Therefore, Prof. Disse's research focuses on the prediction and management of hydrological extremes (floods and droughts), integrated water resources management, and hydrological digitization (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence).
Prof. Disse studied civil engineering at the Universities of Hannover and Karlsruhe. In Karlsruhe, he worked for seven years as a research assistant at the Institute of Hydrology and Water Management under Prof. Plate, where he received his PhD with honors in 1995 on groundwater recharge and regional evapotranspiration. Subsequently, he worked at the Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz, where he conducted research in the fields of river morphology and flood modeling. In 2003, Prof. Disse took over the professorship for water management and resource protection at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich. In 2011, he did research on sustainable water resources management in semi-arid areas during a sabbatical at the University of Arizona (Tucson) in the Department of Hydrology and Water Resources. In July 2013, he accepted an appointment at TUM.
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Earth System Sciences Program at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2022)
- Member of the Advisory Board , DWA Landesverband Bayern (since 2021)
- Badge of Honor of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (2022)
- Edwin Züblin Outstanding Undergraduate Award (1990)
Key Publications (all publications)
Bhola PK, Leandro J, and Disse M: “Building hazard maps with differentiated risk perception for flood impact assessment”. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.. 2020; 20: 2647–2663.
AbstractMekonnen DF, Disse M: “Analyzing the future climate change of Upper Blue Nile River basin using statistical downscaling techniques”. Hydrological and Earth System Sciences. 2018; 22: 2391–2408, Copernicus Publications.
AbstractDuan Z, Liu J, Tuo Y, Chiogna G, Disse M: “Evaluation of eight high spatial resolution gridded precipitation products in Adige Basin (Italy) at multiple temporal and spatial scales”. Science of the Total Environment. 2016; 573: 1536-1553.
AbstractRumbaur C, Thevs N and Disse M et al: “Sustainable management of river oases along the Tarim River (SuMaRiO) in Northwest China under conditions of climate change”. Earth System Dynamics. 2015; 6: 83–107.
AbstractMerz B, Hall J, Disse M, Schumann A: “Fluvial flood risk management in a changing world”. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 2010; 10: 509-527.
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