Prof. Dr. Florian Eyer
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Eyer (*1971) conducts research in the field of clinical toxicology to better understand toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes and test them using experimental and clinical models. Key aspects of his research include methods of poison elimination, addiction medicine and critical care toxicology. A further field of research is the genetics of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver.
After completing his undergraduate and doctoral studies (2000) at LMU Munich, Professor Eyer took up a position at TUM’s university hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar. From 2001, he served as assistant physician in the field of clinical toxicology. Professor Eyer acquired his German medical board certification in internal medicine in 2007, with additional certification in internal intensive care medicine (2009) and addiction medicine (2010). Having obtained his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in 2010, Professor Eyer became senior physician in the Department of Clinical Toxicology. His clinical specialties are critical care toxicology and addiction medicine. He was appointed to a professorship at TUM in 2012.
Key Publications (all publications)
Whitfield JB, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, SLckel F, Soyka M, Muellhaupt B, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, Foroud T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet JM, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Mathurin P, Morgan TR, Seth D: “Obesity, Diabetes, Coffee, Tea, and Cannabis Use Alter Risk for Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis in 2 Large Cohorts of High-Risk Drinkers”. GenomALC ConsorLum. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021; 116 (1): 106-115.
AbstractSchwantes-An TH, Darlay R, Mathurin P, Masson S, Liangpunsakul S, Mueller S, Aithal GP, Eyer F, Gleeson D, Thompson A, Muellhaupt B, SLckel F, Soyka M, Goldman D, Liang T, Lumeng L, Pirmohamed M, Nalpas B, Jacquet JM, Moirand R, Nahon P, Naveau S, Perney P, Botwin G, Haber PS, Seitz HK, Day CP, Foroud TM, Daly AK, Cordell HJ, WhiZield JB, Morgan TR, Seth D: “Genome-wide associaLon study and meta-analysis on alcohol-related liver cirrhosis idenLfies novel geneLc risk factors”. GenomALC ConsorLum. Hepatology. 2020.
AbstractPopp T, Balszuweit F, Schmidt A, Eyer F, Thiermann H, Steinritz D: “Assessment of α-amaniLn toxicity and effects of silibinin and penicillin in different in vitro models”. Toxicol In Vitro. 2020; 67: 104921.
AbstractInnes H, Buch S, Hutchinson S, Guha IN, Morling JR, Barnes E, Irving W, Forrest E, Pedergnana V, Goldberg D, Aspinall E, Barclay S, Hayes PC, Dillon J, Nischalke HD, Lutz P, Spengler U, Fischer J, Berg T, Brosch M, Eyer F, Datz C, Mueller S, Peccerella T, Deltenre P, Marot A, Soyka M, McQuillin A, Morgan MY, Hampe J, SLckel F: “Genome-Wide AssociaLon Study for Alcohol-Related Cirrhosis IdenLfies Risk Loci in MARC1 and HNRNPUL1”. Gastroenterology. 2020; 159 (4): 1276-1289.
AbstractFischer J, Eberlein B, Hilger C, Eyer F, Eyerich S, Ollert M, Biedermann T: "Alpha-gal is a possible target of IgE-mediated reactivity to antivenom". Allergy. 2017; 72 (5): 764-771.
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