Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Fischer
Academic Career and Research Areas
In his theoretical and experimental research, Professor Fischer (* 1963) deals in particular with the constructive application of both traditional and new high-performance materials of structural civil engineering (e.g. ultra-high-performance and fiber concretes, carbon), with realistic engineering models and design questions in civil engineering, bridge and tunnel construction, construction in existing structures and the reinforcement of load-bearing structures, with the further development of numerical methods and measurement technology in concrete structures, as well as with special load cases, such as fire and earthquakes.
After studying civil engineering at TUM, he worked as a research associate at the Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich (UniBwM), receiving his doctorate in 1994. He then joined a large construction group, where he was responsible for various sophisticated infrastructure measures and engineering structures in Germany and abroad, as well as for research and development projects. He is a member of numerous expert panels and committees and has been teaching young engineers since 1999. In October 2009, he was appointed to the Chair of Concrete Structures and is also spokesman for the Structural Engineering Laboratory and the Materials Testing Office at TUM.
Key Publications
Fischer O, Schramm N, Gehrlein S: "Labor- und Feldversuche zur realitätsnahen Beurteilung der Querkrafttragfähigkeit von bestehenden Spannbetonbrücken". Bauingenieur. 2017; 92(11): 455-463.
AbstractSchmidt-Thrö G, Fischer O, Scheufler W: "Kontinuierliche faseroptische Dehnungsmessung im Stahlbetonbau". Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2016; 111(8): 496-504.
AbstractHenke M, Fischer O: "Leicht Bauen mit Beton - räumliche filigrane Stabtragwerke aus ultra-hochfestem Beton und CFK-Bewehrung". Bauingenieur. 2013; 88(11): 453-462.
AbstractKönig G, Dehn D, Fischer O, Krill A: "Hochfester Konstruktiver Leichtbeton - Bemessung und Konstruktion vorgespannter Bauteile". Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2000; 95(7): 392-414.
AbstractHeinen AH, Fischer O: "Nonlinear Vibration and Stability Analyses on the Basis of a Kinetic Stability Theory for Arbitrarily Curved Rods". Archive of Applied Mechanics. 1998; 68: 46-63.
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