Prof. Dr. Jens Förderer

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Dr. Jens Förderer (*1989) is Professor of Information Systems and holds the Professorship for Innovation and Digitalization. His research interests cover the economics of information systems, especially competition in digital markets, measuring digital transformation progress, and estimating the business value created by digital technologies. As part of this, he is also interested in data analytics, particularly web scraping and using state-of-the-art econometric methods for causal inference.

Jens Förderer studied Information Systems / Wirtschaftsinformatik at the University of Mannheim (B.Sc. 2011, M.Sc. 2013). Graduate studies at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) as well as Research and Teaching Assistant at the University of Mannheim and the software company SAP. Graduation with a Dr. rer. pol. (business) in 2017, University of Mannheim. Thereafter, Habilitand at the University of Mannheim. In 2019, he was appointed Professor at the Technical University of Munich, and received Tenure in 2023. In 2023, he was appointed Visiting Research Fellow of the University of Oxford, Oxford Internet Institute.

Foerderer J: “Interfirm Exchange and Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: Evidence from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference”. Management Science; 66 (10).


Foerderer J, Kude T, Mithas S, Heinzl A: “Does Platform Owner’s Entry Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from Google Photos”. Information Systems Research, 2018; 29 (2).


Foerderer J, Kude T, Mithas S, Schuetz SW, Heinzl A: “Knowledge Boundaries in Enterprise Software Platform Development: Antecedents and Consequences for Platform Governance”. Information Systems Journal. 2019; 29 (1).


Foerderer, J., Lueker, N., Heinzl, A.: “And the Winner is ..? The Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Platform Awards”. Information Systems Research. 2021; 32 (4).


Foerderer, J., Schuetz, S.W.: “Data Breach Announcements and Stock Market Reactions: A Matter of Timing? Management Science”. 2022; in press.


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