Prof. Dr. Nina Gantert
Academic Career and Research Areas
Nina Gantert's field is probability theory, in particular, stochastic processes, large deviations and random media. She investigates random walks in random environments which serve as a model for transport in disordered media. She is also interested in applications of probability theory in physics and biology.
After studying at ETH Zürich, Nina Gantert earned her PhD from Bonn university in 1991. Her dissertation "Some large deviations of Brownian motion" was supervised by Hans Föllmer. After post-doctoral research in Haifa and Paris, she got her habilitation degree from Technical University of Berlin in 2000. Then she held faculty positions at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and at the University of Münster before moving to TUM in 2011.
Key Publications (all publications)
Gantert N, Mathieu P, Piatnitski A: "Einstein relation for reversible diffusions in random environment". Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2012; 65(2): 187–228.
AbstractGantert N, Hu Y, Shi Z: "Asymptotics for the survival probability in a killed branching random walk". Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et statistiques. 2011; 47(1): 111–129.
AbstractBerger N, Gantert N, Peres Y: "The speed of biased random walk on percolation clusters". Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2003; 126: 221-242.
AbstractComets F, Gantert N, Zeitouni O: "Quenched, annealed and functional large deviations for one-dimensional random walk in random environment". Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2000; 118(1): 65-144.
AbstractGantert N, Zeitouni O: "Quenched sub-exponential tail-estimates for one-dimensional random walk in random environment". Communications in Mathematical Physics. 1998; 194(1): 177-190.
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