Prof. Dr. Jürgen Geist

Academic Career and Research Areas

As part of his research, Prof. Geist (b. 1977) develops system biology models for chronological and spatial distribution of biodiversity in water ecosystems which integrate molecular biology and ecology approaches. Focus is placed on the quality of the aquatic habitat, genetic and demographic structures of fish and mussel populations, aquatic food webs and the development of stress biomarkers to indicate pollution in water bodies.

After studying agrobiology at TUM and completing his doctorate in genetics and ecology (2005), he received a postdoctoral grant to attend the University of California Davis, USA. He became junior professor of functional aquatic ecology and fish biology in 2008. After qualifying as a lecturer in aquatic ecology (2010), Prof. Geist was appointed to the Chair of Aquatic Systems Biology at TUM in 2010.


  • Bavarian State Medal for outstanding achievements for the environment (2020)
  • Excellence in academic teaching award by TUM and the State Minister of Science and Arts (2011/2012)
  • Admission to the Förderkolleg of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2010)
  • Young Scientist Award of the German Society for Limnology (2005)
  • Annual Award of the Malacological Society of London (2005)

Geist, J: “Green or red: Challenges for fish and freshwater biodiversity conservation related to hydropower”. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2021; 1551–1558.


Geist J, Hawkins SJ: “Habitat recovery and restoration in aquatic ecosystems: current progress and future challenges”. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2016; 942-962.


Geist J: “Integrative freshwater ecology and biodiversity conservation” Ecological Indicators. 2011; 1507-1516.


Geist J, Auerswald K: “Physicochemical stream bed characteristics and recruitment of the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)”. Freshwater Biology. 2007; 52: 2299-2316.


Geist J, Kühn R: “Genetic diversity and differentiation of central European freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) populations: implications for conservation and management”. Molecular Ecology. 2005; 14: 425-439.


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