Prof. Dr. Christian Große

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Grosse conducts research in the field of non-destructive testing. This field includes quality assurance, inspection and structural health monitoring of components, facilities and structures. Applications are in the field of civil and mechanical engineering and materials such as concrete, metal, stone and fiber composites (especially CFRP). Other areas of work include research into additive materials, fracture processes in biomechanics (bones) together with Klinikum rechts der Isar or objects of our cultural and technical heritage (e.g. together with the Munich museums). Since 2020, he has been investigating the pyramids of Giza (Egypt) together with Cairo University as part of the ScanPyramids project. Since 2024, he has also been collaborating with the National University of Oil and Gas in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) on the use of non-destructive testing methods to assess the structural safety of buildings with war damage.

Prof. Grosse studied geophysics (University of Karlsruhe). He did his doctorate and lecturer qualification at the University of Stuttgart. In 2005/2006 he worked as visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. His research area was acoustic emission testing und wireless sensor networks for structural health monitoring. He was then appointed associate director and later provisional director of the material testing laboratory at the University of Stuttgart. In 2010, he was appointed associate professor at TUM. This was a joint appointment of the Departments of Civil Geo and Environmental Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Since 2011, he has held the Chair of Non-destructive Testing and he has been a member of the board of management of the Center for Building Materials (cbm).


  • Medal of Honor from the National University of Oil and Gas in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) for an “outstanding contribution to the development of education and science” 
  • Award from the President of Cairo University (Egypt) for services to research into the Pyramid of Cheops
  • Elected member in the board of trustees of the Deutsches Museum (since 2018)
  • Publication Award of the Acoustic Emission Working Group, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (2012)
  • First “Kiewit Lecture” of the Oregon State University, USA (2006)

Elkarmoty M, Rupfle J, Helal K, Sholqamy M, Fath-Elbab M, Kollofrath J, Maier B, Hamza AG, Ramirez-Pinero A, Schumacher T, Deraz R, Sessa C, Popovych O, Anwar H, Taie K, Tayoubi M, Grosse CU, Helal H (2023): „Localization and shape determination of a hidden corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive testing”, NDT & E International, 102809.


Grosse CU, Ohtsu M, Aggelis DG, Shiotani T (Eds.) (2022): “Acoustic Emission Testing: Basics for Research - Applications in Engineering”. Springer Publ.


Grosse CU (2019): Monitoring and Inspection Techniques Supporting a Digital Twin Concept in Civil Engineering. In: Proc. 5th International Conf. on Sustainable Constr. Mat. and Techn. (SCMT5) (Eds. E. Ganjian et al.). ISBN: 978-1077905702. pp 4-18.


Grumbein S, Minev D, Tallawi M, Boettcher K, Prade F, Pfeiffer F, Grosse CU, Lieleg O. (2016): “Hydrophobic Properties of Biofilm-Enriched Hybrid Mortar”. Advanced Materials 28, No 37, pp 8138-8143.


Cruz Hidalgo R, Große CU, Kun F, Reinhardt HW, Herrmann H (2002): “Evolution of percolating force chains in compressed granular media”. Phys. Rev. Let. 89 (20): 205501/1-205501/4.


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