Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Günther (b. 1962) conducts research into surface science and heterogeneous catalysis. He uses models to image catalytic reactions and processes at interfaces. Microscopy and spectroscopic techniques are combined, with particular use made of scanning tunneling microscopy, photoelectron (spectro) microscopy and low energy electron microscopy (LEEM). With respect to heterogeneous catalysis, the aim is to enable elevated pressure conditions for the models using an ultra-high vacuum.
After studying physics at Munich’s Ludwig Maximilian University (1990), Prof. Günther did his doctorate in scanning tunneling microscopy at the University of Ulm (1995). Following a postdoctoral stay at the ELETTRA Synchrotron Light Laboratory in Trieste, Prof. Günther received a Marie Curie Fellowship to continue his research on various ELETTRA beam pipes. In 2003, he did his lecturing qualification at the University of Hanover. He worked there afterwards as an assistant professor and scientist. Before his appointment to a Chair at TUM in 2010, he worked at the LMU in Munich.
Key Publications
Luerßen B, Fischer H, Mutoro E, Janek J, Günther S, Imbihl R, "In-situ Imaging of Electrochemically Induced Oxygen Spillover on Pt/YSZ Catalysts". Angew. Chemie. 2006; 45 (9): 1473-1476.
AbstractGünther S, Kaulich B, Gregoratti L, Kiskinova M: "Photoelectron microscopy and applications in surface and materials science ". Prog. Surf. Sci. 2002; 70 (4-8): 187-260.
AbstractGünther S, Marsi M, Kolmakov A, Kiskinova M, Noeske M, Taglauer E, Schubert UA, Mestl G, Knözinger H: "Photoelectron Spectromicroscopy Study of the Spreading Behaviour of MoO3 on Titania and Alumina Model supports". J. Phys. Chem. 1997; B 101: 10004.
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