Prof. Dr. Joachim Hermsdörfer


Human movement science

Academic Career and Research Areas

In our research, we strive to understand the rules and laws of human movement and the associated neural mechanisms. We study young and elderly healthy individuals, athletes, as well as individuals with damage to the central neural system. We employ methods to capture and analyze movements and forces, and to measure and stimulate brain activity. We also develop new approaches in neurorehabilitation.

Following his study of engineering at TUM, Joachim Hermsdörfer received his PhD at the Institute for Medical Psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich in 1993. He headed the research group “Sensorimotor Disturbances” at the Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group in the Hospital München-Bogenhausen. In 2010, he was appointed Full Professor and Chair of Human Movement Science at the TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences. He was also appointed as a faculty member of the TUM School of Medicine.

Rohrbach N, Gulde P, Armstrong AR, Hartig L, Abdelrazeq A, Schröder S, Neuse J, Grimmer T, Diehl-Schmid J, Hermsdörfer J “An augmented reality approach for ADL support in Alzheimer's disease: a crossover trial”. Journal of Neuroengeneering and Rehabilitation; 2019. 16(1), 66.


Schneider TR., Buckingham G, & Hermsdörfer J “Torque-planning errors affect the perception of object properties and sensorimotor memories during object manipulation in uncertain grasp situations”. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2019. 121(4): 1289-1299.


Brandi ML, Wohlschläger A, Sorg C, Hermsdörfer J: "The neural correlates of planning and executing actual tool use". Journal of Neuroscience. 2014; 34(39): 13183-13194.


Nowak DA, Hermsdörfer J: Sensorimotor Control of Grasping: Physiology and Pathophysiology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.


Hermsdörfer J, Hagl E, Nowak DA, Marquardt, C: "Grip force control during object manipulation in cerebral stroke". Clinical Neurophysiology. 2003; 114(5): 915-929.


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