Prof. Heidrun M. Thaiss

Honorary Professor at TUM since 2020




Prof. Thaiss studied law and human medicine in Freiburg/Brsg, Ulm and Karlsruhe. After her licence to practise medicine, she trained as a medical specialist at the University Children's Hospital in Freiburg. The main focus of the accompanying scientific work in haematology/haemostaseology was on thrombocytopathies, protein C in childhood and vitamin K deficiency bleeding. Together with the Freiburg research group, she was, for example, responsible for the initial description of the late form of haemorrhagicus neonatorum disease. In her doctoral thesis, she dealt with the experimental basis of haemostasis disorders in type 1 diabetes mellitus.

In the following years, Prof. Thaiss held numerous positions in the public health services of several German states (Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein). This was accompanied by a qualification at the Academy for Public Health in Düsseldorf, which she completed with a public health thesis on the tasks of municipal health authorities in the school sector. At the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Family and Science in Kiel, she was responsible for fundamental issues of medicine, child and youth health and early assistance and headed the interministerial control centre for prevention and health promotion. In addition, she was the state's nutrition commissioner and was in charge of the specialist supervision of the child and youth health services at the ÖGD in Schleswig-Holstein. 

Since 2015 she has been head of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in Cologne, a higher federal authority and departmental research institution within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health, which deals with prevention and health promotion, target group-specific (scientific) communication and health competence.

  • Curriculum Vitae


  • Member of the University Council of the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster (since 2018)
  • Head of the inter-ministerial coordination centre for prevention and health promotion at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Family and Science of Schleswig-Holstein (2013-2015)
  • Nutrition Commissioner of the Land Schleswig-Holstein (2012-2015)
  • Member of the AG Schulabsentismus im Ministerium des Innere SH
  • Delegate of the State of SH on the Board of the State Association for Health Promotion (2008-2015)


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