Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marco E. Einhaus

Honorary Professor at TUM since 2017


Occupational Safety and Health


Professor Einhaus studied civil engineering and environmental technology at the Universität der Bundeswehr München in Neubiberg, finishing his studies there in 1996. He completed his doctoral studies in the field of mechanical engineering as an external postgraduate student at the Institute of Industrial Management and Factory Systems, Chemnitz University of Technology. The tests for his research project, “A contribution to the improvement of safety standards in rope-assisted work procedures in international comparison”, were carried out at the Technical University of Munich (Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management; Chair of Ergonomics). He obtained his doctorate degree with «magna cum laude».
Professor Einhaus is a member of a number of international standards committees (he serves for example as chairman of CEN/TC 53 "Temporary Works Equipment" and on Convenor CEN/TC 128/SC 9/ WG 1 “Permanent Anchor Devices"), of technical committees at the German Social Accident Insurance, and also of the BG BAU, where he is head of building construction in the civil engineering department. As part of his work as member of the technical committee for the elaboration of technical rules for workplace and industrial safety regulation, he directs the working group “Machine Safety” at the German Social Accident Insurance (2016). Professor Einhaus lectures at the Department of Construction Operations, University of Wuppertal, and at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Munich.


  • Section Head of Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, German Social Accident Insurance (since 2013)
  • Chairman of TC 53 Temporary works equipment (since 2014)
  • Technical Supervisor for preventive services at the Wood and Metals Trade Association, Munich (2001-2012)
  • Training manager for concrete and steel reinforced concrete constructors (1998-2001)
  • Lecturer at the Army School for Construction, Engineering and Center of Civil Engineering, Munich (1997-2000)


  • Badge of Honor of the Bundeswehr: Silver Cross of Honor (1999)

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