Prof. Dr. Hans Häckel

Honorary Professor at TUM since 1987


Agricultural Meteorology


Between 1962 and 1968 Professor Häckel studied meteorology at the University of Munich. After completing his first degree he joined the German Weather Service (Deutschen Wetterdienst – DWD). In 1970 he passed his final state examinations and accepted an appointment in weather forecasting at DWD.
One year later he took up a position as a research scientist at the Agricultural Meteorology Research Center of DWD in Weihenstephan/Munich. Parallel to this he studied agriculture and horticulture at TUM. After acquiring his doctorate in agriculture in 1974, Professor Häckel lectured on meteorology, agricultural meteorology and climatology at Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences from 1975 to 2007, and later at TUM. Between 1976 and 2003 he headed the Agricultural Meteorology Research Center. His primary research interests include frost protection, agricultural meteorological measurement techniques, field irrigation, modeling of agricultural meteorological processes, agricultural climatology, phenology and the provision of agricultural meteorological advice. Professor Häckel has published numerous articles in scientific and professional journals and 11 science and popular science books (in some cases with co-authors).


    • Member of steering committees to establish DLG (German Agricultural Society) and VDI (Association of German Engineers) guidelines, at times as the working group representative (1992-2003)
    • Head of the Agricultural Meteorology Research Center at the Weihenstephan DWD office (1976-2003)
    • Chairman of the Expert Group on Biometeorology of the German Meteorological Society (1992-1995)
    • Core functional role in the reorganization of DWD (1990)


    • Recipient of the Plate of Honor of the Bavarian Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Forestry (2004)

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