Prof. Dr. Ingrid Krau


Urban space and Urban development

Professor emeritus since 2007

Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Dr. Krau (*1942) was appointed to the Chair of ‚Urban Space and Design‘ in 1994, later renamed in ‚Urban Space and Urban Development‘. She fostered and fosters especially the systemic view on Urban DENSITY connecting the urban design with the dimensions of social space, ecological and energy-based dimensions. She sees the design of the urban space connected to neighbouring disciplines and to the factor TIME, therefore capable to change and adaption, done by transforming the given stock.

Krau studied architecture 1961-1964 at the TU Braunschweig and 1964-1967 at TU Berlin. 1967/68 she worked at offices of Düttmann and Candilis/Woods. 1968 - 1973 she was assistent at the faculty of architecture at TU Berlin. 1973 she was given the title Dr.rer.pol. at Soziologisches Institut der FU Berlin. 1973-78 she was member of the interdisciplinary task-force of the town of Duisburg, followed by research on living of workers in the steel-industry. 1985-2002 she held a planning-office, followed 1994 by the appointment to TUM.


  • Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (2013)
  • Invitation by German Marshall Fund to lectures at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and at Harvard University (1984)
  • Member of the ‚Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung‘ (1985)
  • Member of the Institute of Ecological Raumentwicklung in Dresden (1992)
  • Guestprofessorship at UdK Berlin, Uni Kassel, Uni Essen/Duisburg

Krau, Ingrid und Manfred Walz. Wer weiß denn schon, was Kontischicht bedeutet. Campus/HdA Frankfurt/New York 1986.


Krau, Ingrid et al. Dichte. Architekturfakultät TUM. München 1995.

Krau, Ingrid. Städtebau als Prozess. Jovis Verlag Berlin. 2010


Krau, Ingrid. Verlöschendes Industriezeitalter. Wallstein Verlag Göttingen. 2018.


Krau, Ingrid. Corona und die Städte. Suche nach einer neuen Normalität. oekom verlag München 2021.
