Prof. Dr. Werner Lang
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Lang (*1961) is Vice President for Sustainable Transformation and holds the Chair of Energy Efficient and Sustainable Planning and Building (ENPB) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). From 2008–2010, he was Professor of Sustainable Building and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Texas School of Architecture in Austin, Texas.
The research of the Institute of Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Design and Building (ENPB) is concerned with the development of strategies, methods, technologies and solutions for building with a positive footprint. The goal is to realize buildings and urban neighborhoods with positive environmental impacts in the future. The fundamental use of regenerative energy systems and renewable building materials, as well as the implementation of closed material cycles, are essential building blocks here. The further development and use of methods for comprehensive life cycle analysis, taking into account ecological, economic and social aspects, form the framework for the design and implementation of appropriate buildings and quarters.
In addition to his work as a researcher and university lecturer, Werner Lang is director of the Oskar von Miller Forum, Munich. He is also a partner in the architectural firm Lang Hugger Rampp GmbH Architekten in Munich.
- „TUM Sustainability Award 2022“ der Technischen Universität München, 2022
- Doce et Delecta“, von der Fachschaft BGU für die beste Lehre (Zweiter Preis), 2019
- Bayerischer Energiepreis 2014
- International Building Skin Tech Award, gemeinsam mit T. Herzog, K. Stepan, ZAE Bayern (2008)
- Promotionspreis der TUM (2000)
Key Publications (all publications)
Linke, S.; Putz, A.; Hardi, M.; Pauleit, S.; Lang, W: Grüne Stadt der Zukunft – Planung klimaresilienter Quartiere. PLANERIN, 2022, 24-26.
AbstractBanihashemi, F.; Reitberger, R.; Lang, W.: Investigating Urban Heat Island and Vegetation Effects under the Influence of Climate Change in Early Design Stages. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Association for Computer- Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), 2022, POST-CARBON, 679-688.
AbstractReitberger, R.; Fellner, J.; Lang, W.; Petzold, F.: Life Cycle Assessment of vertical building extensions in early design stages. 11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering , 2021Energy Sciences for Europe's Green Deal , 60.
AbstractAbualdenien, J.; Schneider-Marin, P.; Zahedi, A.; Harter, H.; Exner, H.; Steiner, D.; Mahan Singh, M.; Borrmann, A.; Lang, W.; Petzold, F.; König, M.; Geyer, P.; Schnellenbach-Held, M.: Consistent management and evaluation of building models in the early design stages. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 25, 2020, 212-232.
AbstractHeinrich, M. A & Lang, W.: Capture and Control of Material Flows and Stocks in Urban Residential Buildings. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 225, 2019, 012001.
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