Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer
Academic Career and Research Areas
As a philosopher of science, Professor Mainzer (b. 1947) studies the foundations and future perspectives of science and technology. He focuses on mathematic basic research and computer modeling of science and technology. He is known as a researcher of complexity with a focus on complex systems, algorithms and artificial intelligence in science and society.
Professor Mainzer studied mathematics, physics and philosophy at the University of Münster, where he was awarded a doctorate in philosophy and foundations of mathematics (1973) and qualified as a lecturer in philosophy. Prior to assuming the Chair of Philosophy and the Theory of Science at TUM and the position of Director of the Carl von Linde Academy in 2008, he was a professor (1981-1988) and prorector (1985-1988) at the University of Konstanz, and a professor and founding director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Informatics (1988-2008) at the University of Augsburg. He was founding director of the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) and has been TUM Emeritus of Excellence since 2016.
Key Publications (all publications)
Mainzer K: Die Berechenbarkeit der Welt. Von der Weltformel zu Big Data. München: C.H. Beck, 2014.
Mainzer K (mit L. Chua): The Universe as Automaton. Berlin: Springer, 2011.
Mainzer K: Leben als Maschine? Von der Systembiologie zu Robotik und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag, 2010.
AbstractMainzer K: Thinking in Complexity. The Computational Dynamics of Matter, Mind, and Mankind. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer, 1994; 5. Auflage 2007.
AbstractMainzer K: Symmetrien der Natur. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 1988.