Academic Career and Research Areas

Prof. Meier conducted his Ph.D. in computational mechanics with Prof. Wall at TUM (2010-2016). Afterwards, he stayed as postdoctoral researcher at the group of Prof. Hart at MIT, focusing on the simulation of additive manufacturing (2016-2018). In 2018, Prof. Meier came back to TUM, starting as deputy head of the Institute for Computational Mechanics, and leading the research group of the ERC starting grant project ExcelAM since January 2024. In October 2024, he was appointed to the Professorship of Simulation for Additive Manufacturing at TUM.

Prof. Meier’s research focuses on the simulation of additive manufacturing (AM) processes, fostering understanding of the underlying physics, which is mandatory to exploit the unprecedented potential of AM. For this purpose, novel computational models are developed, unifying aspects of high-fidelity multi-physics modeling, data-driven approaches, and high-performance computing. Ultimately, these models will be employed to explore new AM technologies, e.g., to push the limits of AM from pure high value applications towards mass production.


  • ERC Starting Grant (2023)
  • Rudolf Schmidt-Burkhardt Memorial Prize of TUM (2017)
  • Dr.-Klaus-Körper Prize for the Best PhD Thesis of 2016 in the Fields of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2017)
  • GAMM Juniors Fellowship of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (2017)
  • Teaching Award of the Bavarian State Government (2012)

Proell, S. D., Munch, P., Wall, W. A., and Meier, C.: “A highly efficient computational framework for fast scan-resolved simulations of metal additive manufacturing processes on the scale of real parts”. Additive Manufacturing. 2024; 79:103921.


Meier, C., Fuchs, S. L., Hart, A. J., and Wall, W. A.: “A novel smoothed particle hydrodynamics formulation for thermo-capillary phase change problems with focus on metal additive manufacturing melt pool modeling”. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2021; 381:113812.


Meier, C., Weissbach, R., Weinberg, J., Wall, W. A., and Hart, A. J.: “Critical influences of particle size and adhesion on the powder layer uniformity in metal additive manufacturing”. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019; 266:484-501.


Meier, C., Popp, A., and Wall, W. A.: “Geometrically exact finite element formulations for slender beams: Kirchhoff–Love theory versus Simo–Reissner theory”. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2019; 26:163-243.


Meier, C., Penny, R. W., Zou, Y., Gibbs, J. S., and Hart, A. J.: “Thermophysical phenomena in metal additive manufacturing by selective laser melting: fundamentals, modeling, simulation, and experimentation”. Annual Review of Heat Transfer. 2017; 20.


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