Prof. Dr. Arnulf Melzer
Academic Career and Research Areas
Prof. Melzer’s (b. 1947) research centers on the ecology and physiology of aquatic plants, the biological analysis of rivers and lakes, the investigation of reed decline and the impact of climate change on aquatic systems.
After studying agricultural science at TUM and biology at the University of Freiburg, Prof. Melzer obtained his doctorate at TUM in 1976. He worked as a research associate at TUM’s Institute of Botany and Microbiology. He completed his lecturer qualification in 1989, became associate professor of special botany in 1991 and finally full professor of limnology in 1995. In addition, Prof. Melzer was Vice-President of TUM from 1997 to 2003. During that time, he helped to oversee the modernization of the TUM School of Life Sciences in Weihenstephan and was Founding Dean of the Department of Sport and Health Sciences. He has led TUM’s fundraising campaign since 1999 and has been the President’s fundraising representative since 2004. Prof. Melzer also sits on the University Council of the Liszt School of Music Weimar.
Key Publications
Braig E, Welzl G, Stichler W, Raeder U,Melzer A: “Entrainment, annual circulation and groundwater inflow in a chain of lakes as inferred by stable 18O isotopic signatures in the water column”. Journal of Limnology. 2010; 69 (2): 278-286.
Bögle M, Schneider S, Melzer A, Schubert H: “Distinguishing Chara baltica, C. horrida and C. liljebladii - conflicting results from analysis of morphology and genetics”. Charophytes. 2010; 2 (2): 53-58.
AbstractStelzer D, Schneider S, Melzer A: “Macrophyte based assessment of lakes - a contribution to the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Germany”. International Review of Hydrobiology. 2005; 90 (2): 223-237.
Abstract´Melzer A, Schneider S: „Submerse Makrophyten als Indikatoren der Nährstoffbelastung von Seen.“ In: Handbuch Angewandte Limnologie. Editor: Steinberg, Bernhardt. 2001 VIII-1.2.1: 1-14.
Melzer A: “Aquatic macrophytes as tools for lake management”. Hydrobiologia. 1999; 395/396: 181-190.