Prof. Dr. Joachim Meyer


Horticultural Engineering
Professor emeritus since October 1, 2013

Academic Career and Research Areas

The research activities of Prof. Meyer (b. 1948) have been focused in recent years on energy-saving measures for plant cultivation in greenhouses, the impact of artificial lighting on plant morphology and process documentation and analysis in plant cultivation.

Prof. Meyer studied horticultural science at Leibniz University in Hannover. He obtained his doctorate there in 1982 and completed his lecturer qualification in horticultural technology in 1988. Prof. Meyer accepted the offer of a position at TUM in 1989. He is actively involved in the German Society for Horticultural Science (DGG) and the International Society of Horticultural Science. The internationalization of horticultural science teaching is one of his particular interests.

    Meyer J: “Extremely insulated greenhouse concept with non fossil fuel heating system”. In: Scientific Program GreenSys. 2009; June 14-19. Quebec, Canada.

    Gruda N, Schmidt U, Pietzsch M, Meyer J: “The Cultivation of Poinsettias in High Temperature Regimes Using Luxury Heat” In: Scientific Program GreenSys. 2009; June 14-19. Quebec, Canada.

    Bauersachs H, Meyer J: “Development of an information management system for horticulture.” In: Management and technology applications to empower agriculture and agro-food systems. XXX CIOSTA-CIGR V Congress Proceedings. 2003; Sep.22.-24. Turin, Italy. Editor: Piccarolo P: D.E.I.A.F.A. Universita degli Studi di Torino, p. 534-540.

    Meyer J, Mempel H: “Environmental Impacts of Horticultural Production Systems with different production intensities”. - In: Management and technology applications to empower agriculture and agro-food systems. XXX CIOSTA-CIGR V Congress Proceedings. 2003; Sep.22.-24. Turin, Italy. Editor: Piccarolo P: D.E.I.A.F.A. Universita degli Studi di Torino, p. 6.


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