Prof. Mark Michaeli
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Michaeli (b. 1972) is interested in transformation processes of urban, rural and peripheral spaces, infrastructures and settlements, and furthermore in instruments that enable resilient urban and rural planning. He focuses on how structural and demographic change drive urban and rural renewal, and on which implications cultural practices of building have on the sustainable development of place and space. Professor Michaeli develops digital methods for evaluating structures and for projecting onto models in spatial observations. His so-called “Entwurfslabore” (field test design labs) bridge teaching, research and practical work.
Professor Michaeli has been working in architecture and urban design since 1995. He researched and lectured at ETH Zurich (2001–10), in St. Gallen (2009–16) and was scientific coordinator for the SEC – Future Cities Laboratory, Singapore (2009–11). In 2010, Professor Michaeli was appointed to TUM, where he initiated the interdisciplinary networks mobility@tum and TUM.stadt and has served as his department’s Dean of Studies since 2016. He took part in international projects such as “Netzstadt” and “Klimawandel und Urbane Schweiz 2050”, as well as in the planning of European initiatives such as KIC Climate Change and Horizon 2020. He serves as academic advisor and reviewer on an international level and acts as academic secretary for the “Academy for Rural Spaces” (ALR).
Key Publications (all publications)
Häupl N: Baukultur: Fokus Land. Editors: TUM, Lehrstuhl für Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Stadt und Land, Michaeli M. Munich: Bayerisches Staatsministerium Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Amt für ländliche Entwicklung BZA, 2018.
AbstractLeonhartsberger R, Michaeli M: "Potato Plan Collection". In: Munich Potato Plan. Editors: Züger M, Christiaanse K. Rotterdam: nai 010 publishers, 2018: 144-148.
AbstractMichaeli M: "Die Stadt des Zusammenlebens. News from the City". In: News from the City, Abschlussveröffentlichung zum Kolleg Europa 2017/18 der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DAAD, Alfred-Töpfer-Stiftung. Editors: TUM, Leonhartsberger R et al. Berlin: Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DAAD, Alfred-Töpfer-Stiftung, 2018: 2.
AbstractMichaeli M: "Bauten und Kunst: Technische Universität München 1868-2018". In: Campus Garching: Universität wird Stadt. Editors: Herrmann WA, TUM. Munich: TUM University Press, 2018: 204-215.
AbstractEhrhardt D, Michaeli M: "Verbundzentren im ländlichen Raum – Risiken und Entwicklungsperspektiven". In: Impulse zur Zukunft des ländlichen Raums in Bayern 2, Positionen 2016/2017. Editors: Bayerische Akademie Ländlicher Raum, Franke S, Miosga M, Schöbel-Rutschmann S. München: Bayerische Akademie Ländlicher Raum, 2017: 31-39.
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