Prof. Dr. Michael Molls
Clinic and Policlinic for Radiotherapy and Radiological Oncology
Professor emeritus since April 1, 2014
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research group of Professor Molls (b. 1944) compares and characterizes the progression of the cells through the cell cycle, under in vitro and in vivo conditions on mouse embryos (2 to 8 cell stage). Furthermore, his research group was one of the first to show that in carcinoma in the head and neck area, tumor hypoxia correlates with an unfavorable prognosis and in patients with early stage carcinoma of the lung, stereotactic radiation therapy with few side effects leads to just as good survival rates as when surgery is performed.
Professor Molls studied medicine at the University of Freiburg and acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in the fields of embryology, radiation biology and radiation therapy. He has worked as a doctor and scientist in a rural medical practice, in Istanbul, in former Yugoslavia and at the University Clinics of Freiburg and Essen. From 1997 to 1999 he was president of the German Society for Radiooncology. He has published a textbook of radiooncology, monographs and a series of books that has been published internationally.
Wichtigste Auszeichnungen
- Mitglied des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Beirates für die "ELI Beamlines Facility" Prag (Extreme Light Infrastructure, European Project, 2010)
- Mitglied des “Peer Review College of the Danish Council for Strategic Research” (2008)
- Ehrenmitglied der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie (2005)
- Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1998)
- Hanns Langendorff-Preis (1979)
Key Publications
Vaidya JS, et al.: “Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy versus whole breast radiotherapy for breast cancer (TARGIT-A trial): an international, prospective, randomised, non-inferiority phase 3 trial”. Lancet. 2010; 376: 91-102. (Publikation unter Beteiligung der Gruppe Molls)
AbstractZimmermann FB, Geinitz H, Schill S, Thamm R, Nieder C, Schratzenstaller U, Molls M: “Stereotactic hypofractionated radiotherapy in early stage I (T1-2 N0 M0) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)”. Acta Oncol. 2006; 45: 796-801.
AbstractGeinitz H, Zimmermann FB, Thamm R, Schumertl A, Busch R, Molls M: “3D conformal radiation therapy for prostate cancer in elderly patients”. Radiother Oncol. 2005; 76: 27-34.
AbstractCornforth MN, Greulich-Bode KM, Loucas BD, Arsuaga J, Vasquez M, Sachs RK, Brückner M, Molls M, Hahnfeldt P, Hlatky LR, Brenner DJ: “Chromosomes are predominantly located randomly with respect to each other in interphase human cells”. J Cell Biol. 2002; 159: 237-244.
AbstractMolls M, Streffer C, van Beuningen D, Zamboglou N: “X-irradiation in G2-phase of 2-cell mouse embryos in vitro: cleavage, blastulation, cell kinetics and fetal development”. Radiation Research. 1982; 91: 219-234.
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