Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum


Functional Materials

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Müller-Buschbaum (b. 1966) carries out research in the field of functional materials, with a particular focus on energy materials, e.g. solar cells and batteries.

Professor Müller-Buschbaum studied physics in Kiel and went on to earn his doctorate there in 1996. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz and as visiting scientist at the Institut Laue-Langevin and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. He acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification (Habilitation) in 2002 and headed the Chair of Functional Materials at the TUM Department of Physics, before his appointment as full professor in 2018. From 2018 to 2023 he was scientific director of the Forschungs-Neutronenquelle FRM-II and of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrums MLZ. Since 2011, he has been the German representative at the European Polymer Federation and, since 2024, Deputy Editor of the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. He also heads the Bavarian key laboratory and the Network for Renewable Energies (NRG). Since 2024, he is member of the TUM sustainability board.

Guo R, Han D, Chen W, Dai L, Ji K, Xiong Q, Li S, Reb L K, Scheel M A, Pratap S,Li N, Yin S,Xiao T, Liang S,Oechsle A L, Weindl C L, Schwartzkopf M, Ebert H, Gao P, Wang K, Yuan M, Greenham N C, Stranks S D, Roth S V, Friend R H, Müller-Buschbaum P: “Degradation mechanisms of perovskite solar cells under vacuum and one atmosphere of nitrogen”. Nature Energy 2021; 6(10): 977-986.


Reb L K, Böhmer M, Predeschly B,Grott S, Weindl C L, Ivandekic G I, Guo R, Dreißigacker C,Gernhaüser R, Meyer A, Müller-Buschbaum P:Perovskite and Organic Solar Cells on a Rocket Flight”. Joule 2020, 4(9): 18801892.


Zuo X, Zhu J, Müller-Buschbaum P, Cheng YJ: “Silicon based lithium-Ion battery anodes: a chronicle perspective review”. Nano Energy. 2017; 31: 113-143.


Palumbiny CM, Liu F, Russell TP, Hexemer A, Wang C, Müller-Buschbaum P: "The crystallization of PEDOT:PSS polymeric electrodes probed in-situ during printing". Advanced Materials. 2015; 27(22): 3391-3397.


Müller-Buschbaum P: "The active layer morphology of organic solar cells probed with grazing incidence scattering techniques”. Advanced Materials. 2014; 26: 7692-7709.


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