Prof. Dr. Sebastian Müller, CFA



Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Müller's research primarily focuses on capital markets and investor behavior. He adopts an empirical quantitative approach, utilizing methods of machine learning, text analysis, and generative artificial intelligence (AI). He explores the digitization of the financial industry and the rising significance of sustainability and ESG-related topics. Mr. Müller received several awards for his research which has been published in leading finance journals such as The Journal of Financial Economics and The Review of Financial Studies.

Professor Müller studied Business at the University of Mannheim and the University of Wales, Swansea. In 2011 he received his PhD from the University of Mannheim. In 2012 and 2013 he was a visiting researcher at the University of California at Berkeley, USA. In 2016, he was appointed as Professor of Corporate Finance at the German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS) Heilbronn. Since September 2019, he serves as Professor of Finance at the TUM School of Management, TUM Campus Heilbronn.


    • 7th SUERF/UniCredit Foundation Research Prize for the article “Anomalies across the globe: Once public, no longer existent?” (2019)
    • Spängler-IQAM award (Runner-Up) for Best Investments Paper in the Review of Finance for the article “Economic links and cross-predictability of stock returns: Evidence from characteristic-based ‘styles’” (2018/2019)
    • 1st prize of the Acatis Value Award for the article „Anomalies across the globe: Once public, no longer existent?“ (2018)
    • 1st prize of the Acatis Value Award for the article „Media Makes Momentum“ (2015)
    • Young talent award of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) for the article „Media Makes Momentum“ (2015)

    Jacobs H,  Müller S: “Anomalies Across the Globe: Once Public, No Longer Existent?”. Journal of Financial Economics. 2020; 135 (1): 213-230.


    Müller S: “Economic Links and Cross-predictability of Stock Returns: Evidence from Characteristic-based 'Styles'”. Review of Finance. 2019; 23 (2): 363-395.


    Franke B, Müller S,  Müller S: "The q-Factors and Expected Bond Returns”. Journal of Banking and Finance. 2017; 83 (10): 19-35.


    Hillert A, Jacobs H, Müller S: “Media Makes Momentum”. Review of Financial Studies. 2014; 27 (12): 3467-3501.


    Jacobs H, Müller S, Weber M: “How should individual investors diversify? - An empirical evaluation of alternative asset allocation policies". Journal of Financial Markets. 2014; 19 (3): 62-85.


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