Prof. Dr. Annette Noschka-Roos


Museum education
Professor emerita since October 1, 2017

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Noschka-Roos (b. 1952) conducts research in the field of museum education at the nexus of empirical educational research and museology. She considers a constellation of questions relating to how the informal learning conditions in museums can be described, explained and improved. The focus of her work is both on educational programs organized to support specific exhibitions, for example, programs aimed at school groups, and on museum visits motivated by personal curiosity and interest.

She completed her first degree in educational science with the main emphasis on communication studies at Freiburg University of Education (PH). Subsequently Professor Noschka-Roos worked at the Deutsches Museum in Munich where she also performed her doctoral studies on visitor research and visitor oriented exhibitions relating to intelligible exhibit labels. She is a member of the Scientific Commission of the Institute for Museum Research SMB-PK in Berlin, an advisory board member of the support program "forMuse" of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) and is involved in a significant number of prestigious exhibition projects. Since receiving her doctoral degree Professor Noschka-Roos has worked for Haus der Geschichte in Bonn (House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany) and for the Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank (Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany). Since 2006 she has headed the Education Department of the Deutsches Museum.


Noschka-Roos A: „Vermitteln. Bildung als Auftrag“. In: Museen zwischen Qualität und Relevanz. Denkschrift zur Lage der Museen. Editor: Graf B, Rodekamp V. Berlin:  Berliner Schriften zur Museumsforschung Band 30, 2012: 163-182.

Hauser W, Noschka-Roos A, Reussner E, Zahn C: “Design-Based Research on Digital Media in a Museum Environment”. Visitor Studies. 2009; 12(2): 182-198.


Graf B, Noschka-Roos A: „Stichwort: Lernen im Museum oder: Eine Kamerafahrt mit der Besucherforschung“. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Schwerpunkt: Lernen im Museum. 2009; 12(1): 7-27.

Noschka-Roos A: „Der Vermittlungsauftrag als Teil der Corporate Identity von Museen“. In: Mit gestärkter Identität zum Erfolg. Corporate Identity für Museen. Editor: Dreyer M., Wiese R. Ehestorf: Band 40 der Schriften des Freilichtmuseums am Kiekeberg, 2002: 171-198.

Noschka-Roos A: „Bausteine eines besucherorientierten Informationskonzepts“. In: Handbuch. Museografie und Ausstellungsgestaltung. Editor: Schwarz U, Teufel P. Ludwigsburg: Edition AV, 2001: 88-113.


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