Prof. Dr. Konrad Nübel
Academic Career and Research Areas
The focus of research of Konrad Nübel (*1967) is the construction process management, which considers the complete value chain of construction. Construction process management is a discipline of management and organization combined with the utilized production technology.
Prof. Nübel studied civil engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (now KIT) and at the University of Waterloo (Canada). He earned his PhD in geotechnical engineering at KIT. As a scientific assistant he was invited for research stays in Graz, Innsbruck, Prague, Gdansk, Tokyo and Baton Rouge, in his research area of numerical modelling of granular material behavior. Then he took over several Management positions both in the operative construction industry as well consulting and accompanied construction projects worldwide at the companies Züblin, Bilfinger, Smoltczyk & Partner Consulting as well BAUER Special Foundations. In 2019 he joined TUM as a Full Professor in Construction Process Management. Prof. Nübel is in the board of the TUM Leonhard Obermeyer Center, which research focus is on the digitalization in the area of built environment, board member of the TUM Cluster Sustainable Real Estate and board member of the Civil-Engineering society of the Association of German Engineers (VDI).
Key Publications
Nübel, K.; Bühler, M.M.; Jelinek, T. Federated Digital Platforms: Value Chain Integration for Sustainable Infrastructure Planning and Delivery. Sustainability 2021, 13, 8996.
AbstractK. Nübel, et al., „Produktionsplanung und Produktionssteuerung im Spezialtiefbau, Prozessorientierter Ablauf von Bauprojekten im Spezialtiefbau“. Bauingenieur, VDI Bautechnik, Jahresausgabe 2015/2016, 101ff, 2015
AbstractP. Meijnen, K. Nübel: „Wie steht es mit der Prozessorientierung im Bauwesen im Vergleich zur Automobilindustrie?“. Beiträge zum 12. Geotechnik-Tag in München. Geotechnik und industrielle Verfahren 2013; Hrsg.: TU München, Zentrum Geotechnik.
AbstractM. Nußbaumer und K. Nübel. „Konfliktbewältigung bei risikoreichen Bauprojekten“, In Fritz Nicklisch, editor, Proc. Öffentlich-private Großprojekte, Heidelberger Kolloquium Technologie und Recht, 2004
AbstractG. Gudehus and K. Nübel, “Evolution of Shear Bands in Sand”. Géotechnique 3, 187-201, 2004.
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