Prof. Dr. Claudia Scheimbauer



Academic Career and Research Areas

The research of Professor Scheimbauer (*1986) lies at the intersection of algebraic topology and mathematical physics. More precisely, her work concerns the study of algebraic structures appearing in field theories using methods from homotopy theory and the development of the required higher categorical framework. This has connections with and uses tools from derived algebraic geometry, representation theory, homological algebra, and the study of manifolds.

After graduating in Technical Mathematics at TU Wien, Professor Scheimbauer pursued a PhD at ETH Zürich on the topic “Factorization Homology as a fully extended Topological Field Theory” (2014). After spending 3 months at the IHÉS as a visitor, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn (2015-2017) and at the University of Oxford (2017-2018). In August 2018 Professor Scheimbauer started a Trond Mohn Foundation tenure-track position at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. Since September 2019 she is assistant professor for topology at TUM. 


    • Teaching Award for Best Advanced Class in Mathematics 2021, 1st prize, summer semester, TU Munich
    • Principal Investigator in Collaborative Research Center (CRC) Higher Invariants from the DFG (primarily based in Regensburg)
    • Principal Investigator in Simons Collaboration on Global Categorical Symmetries
    • Ingrid zu Solms prize for natural, life, and engineering sciences 2021
    • Teaching Award 2020 for Best Digital Communication and Support (“Beste digitale Kommunikation und Betreuung”), 3rd prize, summer semester, TU Munich

    Bergner JE, Osorno AM, Ozornova V, Rovelli M, Scheimbauer CI: “The edgewise subdivision criterion for 2-Segal objects”. Proceedings of the AMS. Accepted for publication.


    Calaque D, Scheimbauer CI: “A note on the (∞, n)-category of cobordisms”. Algebraic & Geometric Topology. 2018; 19 (2): 533-655.


    Bergner JE, Osorno AM, Ozornova V, Rovelli M, Scheimbauer CI: “2-Segal sets and the Waldhausen construction”. Topology and its Applications. 2018; 235: 445-484.


    Johnson-Freyd T,  Scheimbauer CI: “(Op)lax natural transformations, twisted field theories, and the ‘even higher’ Morita category of Ed-algebras”. Advances in Mathematics. 2017; 307: 147-223.


    Costello K, Scheimbauer CI: “Lectures on mathematical aspects of (twisted) supersymmetric gauge theories”. In: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories. Editors: Calaque D, Strobl T. Basel: Springer International Publishing, 2015: 57-87.


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