Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schiffer
Academic Career and Research Areas
The research of Professor Schiffer (b. 1988) spans a number of different fields of operations research and management. These include a wide range of transportation and logistics topics, such as electric vehicles and autonomous systems, and also topics from production planning, supply chain management, and data science. In these fields, Professor Schiffer develops state-of-the-art algorithms that are suitable for real-world application.
Professor Schiffer studied business administration and electrical power engineering at RWTH Aachen University and completed his doctorate in operations research at RWTH Aachen in 2017. In 2018 he held a postdoctoral position at RWTH Aachen University and a visiting scholar position in the Autonomous Systems Laboratory at Stanford University. Professor Schiffer is an associate member of the GERAD, Canada. In September 2018, Professor Schiffer was appointed faculty member of the Operations and Supply Chain Management Department of TUM School of Management and of TUM’s newly created Center for Energy Markets.
- INFORMS TSL Dissertation Prize (2018)
- Friedrich-Wilhelm-Award, Friedrich Wilhelm Foundation, Aachen (2018)
- GOR Doctoral Dissertation Prize, German Society of Operations Research (2018)
- Finalist, EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award (2018)
- Borcher’s Badge, RWTH Aachen University (2018)
Key Publications
Schiffer M, Schneider M, Walther G, Laporte G: "Vehicle routing and location-routing with intermediate stops: A review". Transportation Science. In press.
AbstractSchiffer M, Walther G: "An adaptive large neighborhood search for the location-routing problem with intra-route facilities". Transportation Science. 2018; 52(2): 229-496.
AbstractSchiffer M, Schneider G, Laporte G: "Designing sustainable mid-haul logistics networks with intra-route multi-resource facilities". European Journal of Operational Research. 2018; 265 (2): 517-532.
AbstractSchiffer M, Walther G: "Strategic planning of electric logistics fleet networks: A robust location routing approach". Omega. 2018; 80: 31-42.
AbstractSchiffer M, Walther G: "The electric location routing problem with time windows and partial recharging". European Journal of Operational Research. 2017; 260 (3): 995-1013.
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