Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthäus Schilcher
Academic Career and Research Areas
The main emphasis of the work of Professor Schilcher at TUM was setting up a study and research program in geographic information systems (geoinformatics). At the time this was a new field of study at TUM. It was affiliated to TUM Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying and TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan. His primary applied research focused on selected applications for regional government, municipal authorities and private energy suppliers as well as on civil engineering (environment, transport, infrastructure and flood simulation) and agricultural projects. The main theme of his fundamental research was data harmonization in the field of geoinformatics (OGC, INSPIRE), 3D city models and mobile GIS. Regular contact with private enterprises and the authorities was primarily maintained through knowledge transfer within the context of round table discussions and annual training seminars for which the association Runder Tisch GIS e.V. was set up in 2000. Professor Schilcher was one of the founding members of the association and its chairman until May 2014. In his research and teaching he also worked for many years in close cooperation in ETH Zurich.
Key Publications
Brand K, Schilcher M (Editors): Mobile GIS – Hardware, Software, IT-Sicherheit. München 2014.
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