Prof. Dr. Roland M. Schmid

Academic Career and Research Areas

Professor Schmid’s (b. 1960) research seeks to better understand the molecular basis of pancreatic carcinogenesis and to translate these findings into diagnostic and therapeutic concepts. Transgenic and knock-in mouse models are used to identify and validate genetic alterations important for carcinogenesis and tumor maintenance.

Professor Schmid completed his medical studies at the University of Ulm. Following his doctorate (1987), he spent four years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan Medical School  (1989-1993). In 1995, he acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) at the University of Ulm. Professor Schmid was appointed to his Chair at TUM in 2002, and became director of the II. Medical Clinic and Policlinic for internal medicine at TUM’s university hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar. He serves on the advisory board of the German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe) and is a member of the editorial boards of numerous scientific journals. He served as Vice Dean (2007 – 2010). Since 2018, he has been the spokesperson of the collaborative research center SFB 1321 “Modelling and Targeting Pancreatic Cancer”.


  • Heinz Maier Leibnitz Medal, TUM (2008)
  • Merckle Research Award, University of Ulm (2001)
  • Silver Ludwig Heilmeyer Medal, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fortschritte in der Inneren Medizin, Cologne (1998)
  • Wolf Boas Award, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Salzburg (1986)

Ebert MP, Tänzer M, Balluff B, Burgermeister E, Kretzschmar AK, Hughes DJ, Tetzner R, Lofton-Day C, Rosenberg R, Reinacher-Schick AC, Schulmann K, Tannapfel A, Hofheinz R, Röcken C, Keller G, Langer R, Specht K, Porschen R, Stöhlmacher-Williams J, Schuster T, Ströbel P, Schmid RM: "TFAP2E-DKK4 and chemoresistance in colorectal cancer". N Engl J Med. 2012; 366(1): 44-53.


Siveke JT, Einwächter H, Sipos B, Lubeseder-Martellato C, Klöppel G, Schmid RM: “Concomitant pancreatic activation of Kras(G12D) and Tgfa results in cystic papillary neoplasms reminiscent of human IPMN.” Cancer Cell. 2007; Sep; 12(3): 266-279.


Algül H, Treiber M, Lesina M, Nakhai H, Saur D, Geisler F, Pfeifer A, Paxian S, Schmid RM: “Pancreas-specific RelA/p65 truncation increases susceptibility of acini to inflammation-associated cell death following cerulein pancreatitis.” J Clin Invest. 2007; 117(6): 1490-1501.


Schneider G, Saur D, Siveke JT, Fritsch R, Greten FR, Schmid RM: “IKKalpha controls p52/RelB at the skp2 gene promoter to regulate G1- to S-phase progression.” EMBO J. 2006; 25(16): 3801-3812.


Schmid RM, Perkins ND, Duckett CS, Andrews PC, Nabel GJ: "Cloning of an NF-kappa B subunit which stimulates HIV transcription in synergy with p65". Nature. 1991; 352(6337): 733-6.


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