Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Schneider
Academic Career and Research Areas
Professor Schneider’s research interests focus primarily on the validation of various surveillance methods during pregnancy and birth (Doppler, CTG, Kineto CTG, computerized CTG systems), the optimization of the time of delivery of intrauterine fetuses in distress, and the prevention of premature birth (early total cervical closure). Professor Schneider also conducts research into methods aimed at quality assurance and improvement.
After completing his studies at Würzburg University (Julius-Maximilians-Universität), he completed his PhD in 1978 and acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in 1987 at TUM. He continued his clinical training in Berlin and in 1982 and 1985 went to the University Hospital in Zurich as a national scholar and senior physician. He declined the offer of a chair in Marburg. Since 1997 he has headed the newly established Department for Perinatal Medicine and Perinatal Physiology at TUM where he holds a full professorship position. In 2002 the interdisciplinary Mother and Child Unit was set up under his leadership. He is on the boards of the majority of the obstetrics associations and societies in Germany.
Key Publications
Schneider KTM: „Anwendung des CTG während Schwangerschaft und Geburt“. Frauenarzt. 2004; 45,10,979-989.
Schneider KTM, Gnirs J: „Stellenwert der Dopplersonographie sub partu“. Gynäkologe. 1996; 29:45-51.
Schneider KTM, Bung P, Weber St, Huch A, Huch R: “An orthostatic uterovascular syndrome – A prospective, longitudinal study”. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 1993; 169:183-9.
Schneider KTM, Deckardt R: “The implication of upright posture on pregnancy”. J. Perinat. Med. 1991; 19: 121-131.
Schneider KTM, Bollinger A, Huch A, Huch R: “The oscillating „vena cava syndrome“ during quiet standing – an unexpected observation in late pregnancy”. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. 1984; 91: 766-80.
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