Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs
Academic Career and Research Areas
Miranda Schreurs' main research areas are in international and comparative climate policy, environmental politics, and low-carbon energy transitions. She is involved in projects examining the energy transitions in Germany and Japan; climate policies of Europe, the United States, and China; and the politics of high-level radioactive waste disposal. In 2011 Schreurs was appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel as a member of the German Ethics Commission on a Safe Energy Supply. From 2008 until 2016 she served as member of the German Advisory Council on the Environment and is vice chair of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils.
Schreurs has her BA and MA from the University of Washington and her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. She has researched and taught at various Japanese universities and for a period of three years conducted research at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University supported by a grant awarded by the MacArthur Foundation. She was a tenured associate professor in the Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park before becoming director of the Environmental Policy Research Center and Professor of Comparative Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2007.
- Sackler Fellowship for Eminent Scholars, Tel Aviv University (2016-2017)
- Fulbright New Century Program Distinguished Scholar Leader (2009-2010)
- University of Maryland System Regents’ Award for Inter-University System Collaboration on Teaching (2005)
- Harold and Margaret Sprout Award, Environmental Studies Section, International Studies Association, Honorable Mention for Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States, Cambridge University Press (2004)
- SSRC-MacArthur Foundation Fellowship on International Peace and Security in a Changing World (1992-1994)
Key Publications
Brunnengräber A, Di Nucci, MR, Isidoro Losada, AM, Mez L, Schreurs, MA: Nuclear Waste Governance: An International Comparison. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015.
AbstractSchreurs MA: “Orchestrating a Low-Carbon Energy Revolution Without Nuclear: Germany’s Response to the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis”. Theoretical Inquiries in Law. 2013; 14(1): 83-104.
AbstractSchreurs, MA, VanDeveer, S, Selin, H: Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives. Farnham, UK and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Press, 2009.
AbstractSchreurs MA, Yves Tiberghien: “Multi-level Reinforcement: Explaining EU Leadership in Climate Change Mitigation”. Global Environmental Politics. 2007; 7(4): 9-46.
AbstractSchreurs MA: Environmental Politics in Japan, Germany, and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. (Updated Japanese edition Tokyo: Iwanami Press, 2007).
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