Prof. Dr. Michael Suda
Academic Career and Research Areas
Research and teaching activities at the Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy focus on the analysis of political processes concerning land use. In this sense, we operate within the field of action of societies and their natural environment, and we work along the juncture between natural and social science. Our empirical analyses of the politics of land use serve as the foundation for solution-oriented policy consultation and for problem oriented theory development. Key fields of research currently include studies into the attitudes and behavior patterns of forest owners, society’s perception of forests (currently with a focus on health-related aspects) and discourse analysis.
Professor Dr. Michael Suda (b. 1957) studied forest science in Munich and, for his doctoral thesis, worked at the juncture between natural science and economics. In his postdoctoral teaching qualification, he turned to the analysis of local and regional political systems. In 1995, he accepted the appointment to a professorship for forestry policy and forest history. He is an enthusiastic university lecturer and passes on his experiences with humor in courses on knowledge transfer.
- 9 Best Teaching Awards (2011 – 2018)
- Forest Protection Prize, Innovation category (2011)
- City of Berlin Prize in the federal competition “The role of music in the work of Thomas Mann”
Key Publications (all publications)
Dobler G, Suda M, Seidl G: Wortwechsel im Blätterwald – Erzählstrukturen für eine wirksame Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Norderstedt: BoD, 2016
Suda M, Schaffner S: "Politikfeld Wald". Einsichten und Perspektiven. 2016; 4/16: 60-77.
Suda M, Schaffner S: "Das Phänomen meinungs- und mehrheits-bildender Bevölkerungsumfragen als Instrument zur Legitimierung von Interessen im politischen Raum. Sozialempirische Befragungstechnik am Scheideweg zwischen Stimmungsmache oder Erkenntnisgewinn". Forstarchiv. 2013; 84/5: 52-61
Liebecke R, Wagner K, Suda M: "Akzeptanzforschung zu Nationalparken – Ein empirisches Beispiel aus dem Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald". Natur und Landschaft. 2009; 11/2009, 502-508.
Suda M, Pukall K: "Multifunktionale Forstwirtschaft zwischen Inklusion und Extinktion (Essay)". Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen. 2014; 165/11: 333-338
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